Summary: I never create curtain walls that have equal sizes in the horizontal direction. If we could add segments to the horizontal spacing setting then we won't need to embed curtain walls into other curtain wall.

Description: Using the system family Curtain wall is very useful. You can set the spacing vertically and horizontally. You can set it by fixed distance, fixed number, maximum, minimum or none. The family then automatically creates the grid lines and at those settings. I would like to have the ability to have a start and end pattern setting that I can add more horizontal spacing settings to create an unequal pattern. To get the following pattern I have to embed curtain walls inside if curtain walls. This work around causes issues when joining to a system wall family. Even when you disallow join the embedded walls don't get the message and will still join. The tags don't work correctly and other issues exist.
Pattern end
3' fixed
10' fixed
3' fixed
Pattern Start

Product and Feature: Revit Architecture - Curtain Walls and Systems

Submitted By: lcarr735018 on 07/12/2017