Hi, I'm facing a problem that I can't solve alone with my low programming skills.

I want to create cogo points referenced to a alignment and a profile just like the command "CreatePointStationOffset", but I want that the description came from a dialog box that I made.
The problem is that the only way I know to create cogo points is by the existing command "CreatePointStationOffset", by creating this way, I have problems with the variables getting wrong values.

The optimal would be a drop-down list with all alignment names and profiles, when I click OK, would be asking the station only. But for
(defun c:spv ()
  (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "S:/Projetos/ExemploBim/Referencias/Caixas.dcl"))
  (if (not (new_dialog "maindiag" dcl_id)) (exit))

(set_tile "var_ladoplaca" "radio_esq")
(action_tile "radio_esq" "(setq offset -10)")
(action_tile "radio_dir" "(setq offset 10)")

(setq lista_placa (list "R-19-4" "R-19-6" "A-2b" "A-5b" "R-1"))
(start_list "esc_placa")
(mapcar 'add_list lista_placa)
(action_tile "esc_placa" "(setq escolha $value)")
(setq nomeplaca (nth (fix (distof escolha)) lista_placa))
  (setq maindiag (start_dialog))
  (unload_dialog dcl_id)

  (if (= maindiag 1) (pontoalign))

(defun pontoalign ()
	(command "CreatePointStationOffset" pause pause offset nomeplaca)
maindiag:dialog {
		label = "Criação de Placas de Sinalização Vertical";
		:text {
			label = "Caixa para criar placas.";
		:row {
			:boxed_radio_column {
			label = "Lado da placa";
			fixed_width = true;
			width = 15;
			height = 6;
			key = "var_ladoplaca";
			:radio_button {
			label = "Esquerdo";
			key = "radio_esq";
			:radio_button {
			label = "Direito";
			key = "radio_dir";
			:boxed_column {
			label = "Escolha a placa";
			fixed_width = true;
			width = 45;
			:list_box {
			width = 10;
			height = 8;
			key = "esc_placa";
