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Thread: Incrementing text of format P1/L1/D1

  1. #1
    Past Vice President / AUGI Volunteer peter's Avatar
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    Default Incrementing text of format P1/L1/D1

    Someone asked me a question via private message about how to increment text in the format P1/L1/D1 to P1/L1/D2

    I included two functions the first that allows changing any of the three integers with any increment
    and the other to change just the third part up one.


    ; Written By: Peter Jamtgaard C.E., P.E., S.E. copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved
    ; Any use by unauthorized person or business is strictly prohibited.
    ; Abstract: This library is to increment text in a string of the form P1/L1/D1
    ; Command Line Function Header List
    ;* C:INCP
    ;* Command Line Function to increment text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    ;* C:IncrementPart
    ;* Command Line Function to increment text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    ;* C:INCP1
    ;* Command Line Function to increment 1 the D text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    ;* C:IncrementPartOne
    ;* Command Line Function to increment 1 the D text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    ; General Function Header List 
    ;  Function, Arguments and Description
    ;* (CSVStringToList  strText strChar )
    ;* Convert CSV String to List
    ;* (ListFlatten lstSublist)
    ;* Function to flatten a list of sublists into a list of atoms
    ;* (ListToCSVString lstSublist strChar)
    ;* Function to Convert List to CSV String
    ;* (IncrementPart objSelection intPosition intIncrement)
    ;* Function to increment text object string at 0, 1 or 2 position for increment value
    ;$ Header End
    ; Command Line Function to increment text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    (defun C:INCP ()(C:IncrementPart))
    (defun C:IncrementPart (/ blnRun entSelection intIncrement intPosition lstPositions 
                              lstSelection objSelection strInteger strKeyWord)
     (if (and
          (progn (initget 8 "P L D") T)
          (or (setq strKeyword (getkword "\nEnter P L or D <D>: "))
              (setq strKeyword "D")
          (progn (initget 8) T)
          (or (setq intIncrement (getint "\nEnter Increment <1>: "))
              (setq intIncrement 1)
          (setq lstPositions (list (list "P" 0)(list "L" 1)(list "D" 2)))
          (setq intPosition  (cadr (assoc strKeyword lstPositions)))
          (setq blnRun T)
      (while blnRun
       (if (and (setq lstSelection   (entsel "\nSelect Text: "))
                (setq entSelection   (car lstSelection))
                (setq objSelection   (vlax-ename->vla-object entSelection))
        (IncrementPart objSelection intPosition  intIncrement)
    ; Command Line Function to increment 1 the D text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    (defun C:INCP1 ()(C:IncrementPartOne))
    (defun C:IncrementPartOne (/ blnRun entSelection lstSelection objSelection )
     (if (and
          (setq blnRun T)
      (while blnRun
       (if (and (setq lstSelection   (entsel "\nSelect Text: "))
                (setq entSelection   (car lstSelection))
                (setq objSelection   (vlax-ename->vla-object entSelection))
        (IncrementPart objSelection 2 1)
    ; Convert CSV String to List **
    (defun CSVStringToList  (strText strChar / intPosition lstStrings)
     (while (setq intPosition (vl-string-search strChar strText 0))
      (setq lstStrings  (cons (substr strText 1 intPosition) lstStrings)
            strText     (substr strText (+ intPosition 1 (strlen strChar)))
     (if lstStrings
      (reverse (cons strText lstStrings))
      (list strText)
    ; Function to flatten a list of sublists into a list of atoms
    (defun ListFlatten (lstSublist)
     (if (= (type lstSublist) 'LIST)
       (if (or (not (cdr lstSublist))
           (= (type (cdr lstSublist)) 'LIST))
        (setq lstSublist lstSublist)
        (setq lstSublist (list (car lstSublist)(cdr lstSublist))) 
       (apply 'append (mapcar 'listFlatten lstSublist))
      (list lstSublist)  
    ; Function to Convert List to CSV String
    (defun ListToCSVString (lstSublist strChar / lstOfSublists)
     (if (and
          (> (length lstSublist) 0)
          (setq lstSublist    (mapcar 'vl-princ-to-string lstSublist))
          (setq lstOfSublists (mapcar '(lambda (X)(list strChar X)) lstSublist))
          (setq lstSublist    (listflatten lstOfSublists))
      (apply 'strcat (cdr lstSublist))
    ; Function to increment text object string at 0, 1 or 2 position for increment value
    (defun IncrementPart (objSelection intPosition intIncrement / 
                          lstTextStrings strInteger strPart strTextString)
     (if (and (= (vla-get-objectname objSelection) "AcDbText")
              (setq strtextString  (vla-get-textstring objSelection))
              (setq lstTextStrings (csvstringtolist strTextString "/"))
              (= (length lstTextStrings) 3)
              (setq strPart        (nth intPosition lstTextStrings))
              (setq strInteger     (substr strPart 2))
              (setq strInteger     (itoa (+ intIncrement (atoi strInteger))))
              (setq lstTextString  (subst (strcat (substr strPart 1 1) strInteger) strPart lstTextStrings))
              (setq strTextString  (listtocsvstring lstTextString "/"))
              (setq strTextString  (strcase strTextString))
      (progn (vla-put-textstring objSelection strTextString) T)
      (setq blnRun nil)
    (princ "!")
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    Last edited by peter; 2018-06-07 at 01:34 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Incrementing text of format P1/L1/D1

    Many thanks for such a prompt reply Peter, and thank you for your time.

    I have just tried each of the options but all seem to return the following:

    Select Text: ; error: no function definition: LISTFLATTEN

    I hope that this make sense? I am using Autocad 2018



  3. #3
    Past Vice President / AUGI Volunteer peter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Incrementing text of format P1/L1/D1

    I added ListFlatten to the function, so download it again and it should work.

    This happens because I am stealing toolbox functions that are interrelated and sometimes I forget to put a function or two in there.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Incrementing text of format P1/L1/D1


    This is working great now Thank you very much.

    Just one other thing, would it be possible to apply this increment to a whole selection instead of having to click each individual text?

    Again many thanks for the time you are taking looking at this.


  5. #5
    Past Vice President / AUGI Volunteer peter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Incrementing text of format P1/L1/D1

    The function IncrementPart could be called from a function iterating through a selection set (see below)


    ; Written By: Peter Jamtgaard C.E., P.E., S.E. copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved
    ; Any use by unauthorized person or business is strictly prohibited.
    ; Abstract: This library is to increment a text string of the form P1/L1/D1
    ; Command Line Function Header List
    ;* C:INCP
    ;* Command Line Function to increment text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    ;* C:IncrementPart
    ;* Command Line Function to increment text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    ;* C:INCPS
    ;* Command Line Function to increment the each text with syntax "P1/L1/D1" by selection set
    ;* C:IncrementParts
    ;* Command Line Function to increment the each text with syntax "P1/L1/D1" by selection set
    ;* C:INCP1
    ;* Command Line Function to increment 1 the D text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    ;* C:IncrementPartOne
    ;* Command Line Function to increment 1 the D text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    ; General Function Header List 
    ;  Function, Arguments and Description
    ;* (CSVStringToList  strText strChar )
    ;* Convert CSV String to List
    ;* (IncrementPart objSelection intPosition intIncrement)
    ;* Function to increment text object string at 0, 1 or 2 position for increment value
    ;* (ListFlatten lstSublist)
    ;* Function to flatten a list of sublists into a list of atoms
    ;* (ListToCSVString lstSublist strChar)
    ;* Function to Convert List to CSV String
    ;$ Header End
    ; Command Line Function to increment text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    (defun C:INCP ()(C:IncrementPart))
    (defun C:IncrementPart (/ blnRun entSelection intIncrement intPosition lstPositions 
                              lstSelection objSelection strInteger strKeyWord)
     (if (and
          (progn (initget 8 "P L D") T)
          (or (setq strKeyword (getkword "\nEnter P L or D <D>: "))
              (setq strKeyword "D")
          (progn (initget 8) T)
          (or (setq intIncrement (getint "\nEnter Increment <1>: "))
              (setq intIncrement 1)
          (setq lstPositions (list (list "P" 0)(list "L" 1)(list "D" 2)))
          (setq intPosition  (cadr (assoc strKeyword lstPositions)))
          (setq blnRun T)
      (while blnRun
       (if (and (setq lstSelection   (entsel "\nSelect Text: "))
                (setq entSelection   (car lstSelection))
                (setq objSelection   (vlax-ename->vla-object entSelection))
        (IncrementPart objSelection intPosition  intIncrement)
    ; Command Line Function to increment the each text with syntax "P1/L1/D1" by selection set
    (defun C:INCPS ()(C:IncrementParts))
    (defun C:IncrementParts (/ entSelection intCount intIncrement intPosition
                                         lstPositions objSelection ssSelections strKeyWord )
     (if (and
          (progn (initget 8 "P L D") T)
          (or (setq strKeyword (getkword "\nEnter P L or D <D>: "))
              (setq strKeyword "D")
          (progn (initget 8) T)
          (or (setq intIncrement (getint "\nEnter Increment <1>: "))
              (setq intIncrement 1)
          (setq lstPositions (list (list "P" 0)(list "L" 1)(list "D" 2)))
          (setq intPosition  (cadr (assoc strKeyword lstPositions)))
          (princ "\nSelect Text: ")
          (setq ssSelections (ssget (list (cons 0 "*text"))))
      (repeat (setq intCount (sslength ssSelections)) 
       (and (setq intCount (1- intCount))
            (setq entSelection   (ssname ssSelections intCount))
            (setq objSelection   (vlax-ename->vla-object entSelection))
            (IncrementPart objSelection intPosition  intIncrement)
    ; Command Line Function to increment 1 the D text with syntax "P1/L1/D1"
    (defun C:INCP1 ()(C:IncrementPartOne))
    (defun C:IncrementPartOne (/ blnRun entSelection lstSelection objSelection ) 
     (if (and 
          (setq blnRun T)
      (while blnRun
       (if (and (setq lstSelection   (entsel "\nSelect Text: "))
                (setq entSelection   (car lstSelection))
                (setq objSelection   (vlax-ename->vla-object entSelection))
        (IncrementPart objSelection 2 1)
    ; Convert CSV String to List **
    (defun CSVStringToList  (strText strChar / intPosition lstStrings)
     (while (setq intPosition (vl-string-search strChar strText 0))
      (setq lstStrings  (cons (substr strText 1 intPosition) lstStrings)
            strText     (substr strText (+ intPosition 1 (strlen strChar)))
     (if lstStrings
      (reverse (cons strText lstStrings))
      (list strText)
    ; Function to increment text object string at 0, 1 or 2 position for increment value
    (defun IncrementPart (objSelection intPosition intIncrement / 
                          lstTextStrings strInteger strPart strTextString)
     (if (and (= (vla-get-objectname objSelection) "AcDbText")
              (setq strtextString  (vla-get-textstring objSelection))
              (setq lstTextStrings (csvstringtolist strTextString "/"))
              (= (length lstTextStrings) 3)
              (setq strPart        (nth intPosition lstTextStrings))
              (setq strInteger     (substr strPart 2))
              (setq strInteger     (itoa (+ intIncrement (atoi strInteger))))
              (setq lstTextString  (subst (strcat (substr strPart 1 1) strInteger) strPart lstTextStrings))
              (setq strTextString  (listtocsvstring lstTextString "/"))
              (setq strTextString  (strcase strTextString))
      (progn (vla-put-textstring objSelection strTextString) T)
      (setq blnRun nil)
    ; Function to flatten a list of sublists into a list of atoms
    (defun ListFlatten (lstSublist)
     (if (= (type lstSublist) 'LIST)
       (if (or (not (cdr lstSublist))
           (= (type (cdr lstSublist)) 'LIST))
        (setq lstSublist lstSublist)
        (setq lstSublist (list (car lstSublist)(cdr lstSublist))) 
       (apply 'append (mapcar 'listFlatten lstSublist))
      (list lstSublist)  
    ; Function to Convert List to CSV String
    (defun ListToCSVString (lstSublist strChar / lstOfSublists)
     (if (and
          (> (length lstSublist) 0)
          (setq lstSublist    (mapcar 'vl-princ-to-string lstSublist))
          (setq lstOfSublists (mapcar '(lambda (X)(list strChar X)) lstSublist))
          (setq lstSublist    (listflatten lstOfSublists))
      (apply 'strcat (cdr lstSublist))
    (princ "!")
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    Last edited by peter; 2018-06-07 at 11:00 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Incrementing text of format P1/L1/D1

    You are a gentlemen!!!

    Works a treat, thank you so much Peter!

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