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Thread: Lisp modification

  1. #1
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    Default Lisp modification

    Hi all

    I have a routine able to align objects to a reference without displacemente. But i can only select one object and i would like to be able to select some objects with a selection box. I tried to modify ssget but it was not enough (:S single selection)

    Could it be possible? thanks.

    (defun C:RotTo (/ var ev getobj :angle2UCS ent obj ang-in ang-to)
      (defun :angle2UCS (ang / ucs)
        (setq ucs (- ang (angle '(0 0 0) (getvar "UCSXDIR"))))
        (if (< ucs 0.) (setq ucs (+ ucs (* 2 PI))))
        (defun VAR (typ)				; build variable name with number
        (read (strcat typ num))
      (defun EV (typ)				; evaluate what's in variable name with number
        (eval (read (strcat typ num)))
        						;GETOBJ from ReportAngle.LSP by Kent Cooper, 11/2011, edited for UCS
      (defun GETOBJ (esel num / edata etype subedata subetype path pt1 pt2)
        (while (not (and (setq edata (if esel (entget (car esel)))
    			   etype (if esel (cdr (assoc 0 edata))))
    		     (set (var "pick"); = pick1 or pick2
    			  (osnap (cadr esel) "nea")); for (vlax-curve) later; also prohibits things like text elements of Dimensions
    		     (or (wcmatch etype "ARC,*POLYLINE")
    			 (not (osnap (ev "pick") "cen")))    ; if Polyline/Block/Region/3DSolid/angular Dimension, not on arc/ellipse segment or circle/arc/ellipse element
    		       ((= etype "INSERT")
    			(and (setq subedata (entget (car (nentselp (ev "pick"))))            ; then, use nested object -- same checks as above, except:
    				   subetype (cdr (assoc 0 subedata)))                        ; no center Osnap check [earlier check covers it] ; no Insert or heavy Polyline object types [never returned by (nentselp)]
    			     (if (= subetype "LEADER") (= (cdr (assoc 72 subedata)) 0) T); STraight, not Splined
    			     (if (= subetype "VERTEX") (= (boole 1 8 (cdr (assoc 70 subedata))) 0) T))); not Splined 2DPolyline
    		       ((= etype "LEADER") (= (cdr (assoc 72 edata)) 0)); STraight, not Splined
    		       ((= etype "POLYLINE") (= (boole 1 4 (cdr (assoc 70 edata))) 0)); not Splined 2DPolyline
    		       (T)))) ; all other object types
          (prompt "\nNothing selected, or not a straight object with linearity --")
          (exit)); while
        (cond ((wcmatch etype "ARC") ;arc
    	   (setq path (car esel))
    	   (set (var "ang")   ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle (setq pt1 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint path))
    		       (setq pt2 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint path))))
    	   (grdraw (trans pt1 0 1) (trans pt2 0 1) 7 -1))
    	  ((and (wcmatch etype "*POLYLINE") ;arc segment of polyline
    	        (osnap (ev "pick") "cen"))
    	   (setq path (car esel))
    	   (set (var "ang")   ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle (setq pt1 (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam path (fix (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint path (trans (ev "pick") 1 0)))))
    		       (setq pt2 (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam path (1+ (fix (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint path (trans (ev "pick") 1 0))))))))
    	   (grdraw (trans pt1 0 1) (trans pt2 0 1) 7 -1))
    	  ((wcmatch etype "POLYLINE,XLINE,RAY"); vlax-curve-applicable types
    	   (setq path (car esel))
    	   (set (var "ang") ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle '(0 0 0)
    		       (vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv path (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint path (trans (ev "pick") 1 0))))))
    	   (set (var "ang")   ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle (setq pt2 (trans (osnap (ev "pick") (if (= subetype "RAY") "nea" "mid")) 1 0))     ; account for Ray in Block [no midpoint]
    		       (setq pt1 (trans (osnap (ev "pick") (if (= subetype "XLINE") "nea" "end")) 1 0)))) ; account for Xline in Block [no endpoint]
    	   (grdraw (trans pt1 0 1) (trans pt2 0 1) 7 -1)))
        (set (var "ang") (+ (ev "ang") PI))
        (if (> (ev "ang") (* 2 PI))	  (set (var "ang") (- (ev "ang") (* 2 PI))))
        (ev "ang")
    ;; ---------------
      (if (and (setq ent (ssget "_+.:E:S"))
               (setq ent (ssname ent 0))
               (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
               (setq pnt (getpoint "\nReference point: "))
               (or (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq ang-in (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-get-rotation (list obj)))))
                   (setq ang-in 0.))
               (or (setq ang-to (getangle "\nSpecify final angle <by object>: "))
                   (setq ang-to (:angle2UCS (getobj (entsel "\nSelect to aling to: ") "1"))))
          (if (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))) "MTEXT")
            (setq ang-in (:angle2UCS ang-in)))
        (command "_.ROTATE" ent "" "_none" pnt "_R" (angtos ang-in (getvar 'AUNITS) 8) (angtos ang-to (getvar 'AUNITS) 8))))

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time
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    Default Re: Lisp modification

    Untested :

    (defun C:RotTo (/ ss i var ev getobj :angle2UCS ent obj ang-in ang-to)
      (defun :angle2UCS (ang / ucs)
        (setq ucs (- ang (angle '(0 0 0) (getvar "UCSXDIR"))))
        (if (< ucs 0.) (setq ucs (+ ucs (* 2 PI))))
        (defun VAR (typ)				; build variable name with number
        (read (strcat typ num))
      (defun EV (typ)				; evaluate what's in variable name with number
        (eval (read (strcat typ num)))
        						;GETOBJ from ReportAngle.LSP by Kent Cooper, 11/2011, edited for UCS
      (defun GETOBJ (esel num / edata etype subedata subetype path pt1 pt2)
        (while (not (and (setq edata (if esel (entget (car esel)))
    			   etype (if esel (cdr (assoc 0 edata))))
    		     (set (var "pick"); = pick1 or pick2
    			  (osnap (cadr esel) "nea")); for (vlax-curve) later; also prohibits things like text elements of Dimensions
    		     (or (wcmatch etype "ARC,*POLYLINE")
    			 (not (osnap (ev "pick") "cen")))    ; if Polyline/Block/Region/3DSolid/angular Dimension, not on arc/ellipse segment or circle/arc/ellipse element
    		       ((= etype "INSERT")
    			(and (setq subedata (entget (car (nentselp (ev "pick"))))            ; then, use nested object -- same checks as above, except:
    				   subetype (cdr (assoc 0 subedata)))                        ; no center Osnap check [earlier check covers it] ; no Insert or heavy Polyline object types [never returned by (nentselp)]
    			     (if (= subetype "LEADER") (= (cdr (assoc 72 subedata)) 0) T); STraight, not Splined
    			     (if (= subetype "VERTEX") (= (boole 1 8 (cdr (assoc 70 subedata))) 0) T))); not Splined 2DPolyline
    		       ((= etype "LEADER") (= (cdr (assoc 72 edata)) 0)); STraight, not Splined
    		       ((= etype "POLYLINE") (= (boole 1 4 (cdr (assoc 70 edata))) 0)); not Splined 2DPolyline
    		       (T)))) ; all other object types
          (prompt "\nNothing selected, or not a straight object with linearity --")
          (exit)); while
        (cond ((wcmatch etype "ARC") ;arc
    	   (setq path (car esel))
    	   (set (var "ang")   ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle (setq pt1 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint path))
    		       (setq pt2 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint path))))
    	   (grdraw (trans pt1 0 1) (trans pt2 0 1) 7 -1))
    	  ((and (wcmatch etype "*POLYLINE") ;arc segment of polyline
    	        (osnap (ev "pick") "cen"))
    	   (setq path (car esel))
    	   (set (var "ang")   ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle (setq pt1 (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam path (fix (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint path (trans (ev "pick") 1 0)))))
    		       (setq pt2 (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam path (1+ (fix (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint path (trans (ev "pick") 1 0))))))))
    	   (grdraw (trans pt1 0 1) (trans pt2 0 1) 7 -1))
    	  ((wcmatch etype "POLYLINE,XLINE,RAY"); vlax-curve-applicable types
    	   (setq path (car esel))
    	   (set (var "ang") ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle '(0 0 0)
    		       (vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv path (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint path (trans (ev "pick") 1 0))))))
    	   (set (var "ang")   ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle (setq pt2 (trans (osnap (ev "pick") (if (= subetype "RAY") "nea" "mid")) 1 0))     ; account for Ray in Block [no midpoint]
    		       (setq pt1 (trans (osnap (ev "pick") (if (= subetype "XLINE") "nea" "end")) 1 0)))) ; account for Xline in Block [no endpoint]
    	   (grdraw (trans pt1 0 1) (trans pt2 0 1) 7 -1)))
        (set (var "ang") (+ (ev "ang") PI))
        (if (> (ev "ang") (* 2 PI))	  (set (var "ang") (- (ev "ang") (* 2 PI))))
        (ev "ang")
    ;; ---------------
      (setq ss (ssget "_:L"))
      (or (setq ang-to (getangle "\nSpecify final angle <by object>: "))
          (setq ang-to (:angle2UCS (getobj (entsel "\nSelect to aling to: ") "1"))))
      (if ss
        (repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
          (if (and (setq ent (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))))
                   (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
                   (setq pnt (getpoint "\nReference point: "))
                   (or (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq ang-in (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-get-rotation (list obj)))))
                       (setq ang-in 0.))
              (if (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))) "MTEXT")
                (setq ang-in (:angle2UCS ang-in)))
            (command "_.ROTATE" ent "" "_none" pnt "_R" (angtos ang-in (getvar 'AUNITS) 8) (angtos ang-to (getvar 'AUNITS) 8))))

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Lisp modification


    I tested and it works, but just one thing: if i want to align 2 or more objects, i have to specify reference point for each one. could be set the same reference point?

    p.d: you only change ssget?

  4. #4
    All AUGI, all the time
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    Belgrade, Serbia, Europe
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    Default Re: Lisp modification

    Quote Originally Posted by enghezt View Post

    I tested and it works, but just one thing: if i want to align 2 or more objects, i have to specify reference point for each one. could be set the same reference point?

    p.d: you only change ssget?
    Yes only change - ssget...

    (defun C:RotTo (/ ss i var ev getobj :angle2UCS ent obj ang-in ang-to)
      (defun :angle2UCS (ang / ucs)
        (setq ucs (- ang (angle '(0 0 0) (getvar "UCSXDIR"))))
        (if (< ucs 0.) (setq ucs (+ ucs (* 2 PI))))
        (defun VAR (typ)				; build variable name with number
        (read (strcat typ num))
      (defun EV (typ)				; evaluate what's in variable name with number
        (eval (read (strcat typ num)))
        						;GETOBJ from ReportAngle.LSP by Kent Cooper, 11/2011, edited for UCS
      (defun GETOBJ (esel num / edata etype subedata subetype path pt1 pt2)
        (while (not (and (setq edata (if esel (entget (car esel)))
    			   etype (if esel (cdr (assoc 0 edata))))
    		     (set (var "pick"); = pick1 or pick2
    			  (osnap (cadr esel) "nea")); for (vlax-curve) later; also prohibits things like text elements of Dimensions
    		     (or (wcmatch etype "ARC,*POLYLINE")
    			 (not (osnap (ev "pick") "cen")))    ; if Polyline/Block/Region/3DSolid/angular Dimension, not on arc/ellipse segment or circle/arc/ellipse element
    		       ((= etype "INSERT")
    			(and (setq subedata (entget (car (nentselp (ev "pick"))))            ; then, use nested object -- same checks as above, except:
    				   subetype (cdr (assoc 0 subedata)))                        ; no center Osnap check [earlier check covers it] ; no Insert or heavy Polyline object types [never returned by (nentselp)]
    			     (if (= subetype "LEADER") (= (cdr (assoc 72 subedata)) 0) T); STraight, not Splined
    			     (if (= subetype "VERTEX") (= (boole 1 8 (cdr (assoc 70 subedata))) 0) T))); not Splined 2DPolyline
    		       ((= etype "LEADER") (= (cdr (assoc 72 edata)) 0)); STraight, not Splined
    		       ((= etype "POLYLINE") (= (boole 1 4 (cdr (assoc 70 edata))) 0)); not Splined 2DPolyline
    		       (T)))) ; all other object types
          (prompt "\nNothing selected, or not a straight object with linearity --")
          (exit)); while
        (cond ((wcmatch etype "ARC") ;arc
    	   (setq path (car esel))
    	   (set (var "ang")   ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle (setq pt1 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint path))
    		       (setq pt2 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint path))))
    	   (grdraw (trans pt1 0 1) (trans pt2 0 1) 7 -1))
    	  ((and (wcmatch etype "*POLYLINE") ;arc segment of polyline
    	        (osnap (ev "pick") "cen"))
    	   (setq path (car esel))
    	   (set (var "ang")   ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle (setq pt1 (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam path (fix (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint path (trans (ev "pick") 1 0)))))
    		       (setq pt2 (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam path (1+ (fix (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint path (trans (ev "pick") 1 0))))))))
    	   (grdraw (trans pt1 0 1) (trans pt2 0 1) 7 -1))
    	  ((wcmatch etype "POLYLINE,XLINE,RAY"); vlax-curve-applicable types
    	   (setq path (car esel))
    	   (set (var "ang") ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle '(0 0 0)
    		       (vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv path (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint path (trans (ev "pick") 1 0))))))
    	   (set (var "ang")   ; = ang1 or ang2
    		(angle (setq pt2 (trans (osnap (ev "pick") (if (= subetype "RAY") "nea" "mid")) 1 0))     ; account for Ray in Block [no midpoint]
    		       (setq pt1 (trans (osnap (ev "pick") (if (= subetype "XLINE") "nea" "end")) 1 0)))) ; account for Xline in Block [no endpoint]
    	   (grdraw (trans pt1 0 1) (trans pt2 0 1) 7 -1)))
        (set (var "ang") (+ (ev "ang") PI))
        (if (> (ev "ang") (* 2 PI))	  (set (var "ang") (- (ev "ang") (* 2 PI))))
        (ev "ang")
    ;; ---------------
      (setq ss (ssget "_:L"))
      (if (and ss
               (or (setq ang-to (getangle "\nSpecify final angle <by object>: "))
                   (setq ang-to (:angle2UCS (getobj (entsel "\nSelect to aling to: ") "1"))))
               (setq pnt (getpoint "\nReference point: "))
        (repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
          (if (and (setq ent (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))))
                   (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
                   (or (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq ang-in (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-get-rotation (list obj)))))
                       (setq ang-in 0.))
              (if (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))) "MTEXT")
                (setq ang-in (:angle2UCS ang-in)))
            (command "_.ROTATE" ent "" "_none" pnt "_R" (angtos ang-in (getvar 'AUNITS) 8) (angtos ang-to (getvar 'AUNITS) 8))))
    HTH., M.R.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Lisp modification


    It works perfectly!!

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