I have two 'base' files, floor plan and ceiling plan, into which I would like to insert room tags that will reference the property set data of the spaces found in the floor plan file. Each of these files is a construct in the project, the floor plan is overlaid into the ceiling plan and the tags are being placed directly in the constructs.

The initial insertion seemed to work fine but after changing room numbers in the floor plan I noticed the tags in the ceiling plan did not update which is, after all, the whole reason for tagging the spaces in the floor plan. All of the correct property set information is in the tag but the tag is not referencing the floor plan file. The tag is instead acting as if there is a space in the ceiling file that is being tagged.

When first inserting the tags there is an option in the "Edit Property Set Data" dialog box to select the data source which allows me to select the floor plan instead of the ceiling plan. The only problem is that this option is only available when first placing the tag. Unfortunately, I now have a dozen tags that are referencing the wrong drawing. I would prefer not to have to re-insert each tag so my question is, can I access the property set data source for each tag after placing it in the drawing?