Summary: The ability to use a crossing window to select the objects when using the fillet or chamfer command

Description: I would like to be able to use a crossing window for the "Fillet" & "Chamfer" commands.

How Used: I would be able to work through these commands a lot quicker by being able to use a crossing window to select the 2 entities for filleting or chamfering. I wouldn't have to select each line (for example) individually. I would be able to use the crossing window & get both of them at once. Admittedly it isn't a great time saver when you look at it for one instance, but over the course of a day, a week or whatever larger time frame you want to look at it you would be able to save a good chunk of time. I kept track of how much time I think it would save me over a week & came up with an average of 2 hours saved in a week.

Feature Affinity: Modify

Submitted By: Dan Cole on March 10, 2006