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Thread: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

    Please see attached drawing file in previous post for an example of my exact situation.
    Thank you for your time.

  2. #12
    All AUGI, all the time zoomharis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

    Quote Originally Posted by danderson.71652
    "The best way to make your dreams come true is to Wake Up."
    I like that!
    Now only I came to know the real meaning of that sentence. It's 2.30 a.m here

    I did not mean to rush or sound impatient with the crickets comment, I was trying to add a little humor to my ignorance.
    Nice to hear that.

    I believe this is exactly the direction I am going...I just need to incorporate it into my exiting code

    Please look at the line "' PLEASE READ THIS COMMENT" in the code.

    'sorting goes here into array, then sort, then back into array, then into a new selectionset
    'can this be done?
    I think it can be done by keeping handles of the objects in the array. But not sure about that. I have to experiment with that. Again you have to be patient with me


  3. #13
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    Default Re: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

    Oh, I do not have much to add, my brain is spent. I can wait. Thank you so much for you time, I have learned a great deal with this effort.

    Thank you again

  4. #14
    All AUGI, all the time zoomharis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

    Hi Danderson,

    I have rewritten my program to incorporate the selection set. Try how the code works now...

    Sub SortTextByPos()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim objTxt As AcadText
    Dim objSSet As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim gpCode(0) As Integer: Dim dataVal(0) As Variant
    Set objSSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TxtSet1")
    gpCode(0) = 0: dataVal(0) = "Text"
    objSSet.SelectOnScreen gpCode, dataVal
    If objSSet.Count <> 0 Then
    	Dim TxtPnt As Variant
    	Dim arTxtPnts() As Variant
    	Dim TxtBasePnt(0 To 1) As Double
    	Dim iDim As Integer
    	iDim = 0
    	ReDim Preserve arTxtPnts(objSSet.Count - 1, 2)
    	For Each objTxt In objSSet
    		If objTxt.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft Then
    			TxtPnt = objTxt.InsertionPoint
    			TxtPnt = objTxt.TextAlignmentPoint
    		End If
    		TxtBasePnt(0) = TxtPnt(0): TxtBasePnt(1) = TxtPnt(1)
    		arTxtPnts(iDim, 0) = TxtPnt(0)
    		arTxtPnts(iDim, 1) = TxtPnt(1)
    		arTxtPnts(iDim, 2) = objTxt.Handle
    		iDim = iDim + 1
    	arTxtPnts = SortArrayByCoords(arTxtPnts)
    	Dim arTxtObjs() As AcadText
    	Dim objSortedSSet As AcadSelectionSet
    	ReDim arTxtObjs(UBound(arTxtPnts))
    	Set objSortedSSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS_Text1")
    	For i = 0 To UBound(arTxtPnts)
    		Set arTxtObjs(i) = ThisDrawing.HandleToObject(arTxtPnts(i, 2))
    	objSortedSSet.AddItems arTxtObjs
    	 '<-- Display values for checking -->
    	Dim strOP As String
    	For Each objTxt In objSortedSSet
    		strOP = strOP & objTxt.TextString & vbCrLf
    	MsgBox strOP
    	objSortedSSet.Highlight True
    	'<-- End display -->
    End If
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    	MsgBox Err.Description
    End If
    End Sub
    Function SortArrayByCoords(ByVal arSource As Variant)
    	Dim i As Integer
    	Dim j As Integer
    	Dim dblTmpVal(2)
    	For i = UBound(arSource) To LBound(arSource) Step -1
    	   For j = LBound(arSource) + 1 To i
    	   '<-- Check for the X coordinates first and if they are equel -
    	   '<-- compare the the Y coordinates -->
    		 If ( _
    				(arSource(j - 1, 0) > arSource(j, 0)) _
    				Or ( _
    				(arSource(j - 1, 0) = arSource(j, 0)) _
    				And _
    				(arSource(j - 1, 1) < arSource(j, 1)) _
    				) _
    			) Then
    		   dblTmpVal(0) = arSource(j - 1, 0)
    		   dblTmpVal(1) = arSource(j - 1, 1)
    		   dblTmpVal(2) = arSource(j - 1, 2)
    		   arSource(j - 1, 0) = arSource(j, 0)
    		   arSource(j - 1, 1) = arSource(j, 1)
    		   arSource(j - 1, 2) = arSource(j, 2)
    		   arSource(j, 0) = dblTmpVal(0)
    		   arSource(j, 1) = dblTmpVal(1)
    		   arSource(j, 2) = dblTmpVal(2)
    		 End If
    	   Next j
    	 Next i
      SortArrayByCoords = arSource
    End Function

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

    I am almost complete with the implementation, I will post the code shortly!

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

    I have added the code into mine. The only thing left to figure out is Mtext.
    In the example drawing file I have, one table's entities are just Text, and one Text and Mtext.

    The code work flawless on just TEXT.

    This is amazing, and congratulations on a fine job. I can't thank you enough.

    See attached drawing.


    Option Explicit
    Sub FieldsToTableFinal()
    Dim oSsets As AcadSelectionSets
    Dim oSset As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim oSset2 As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim oTable As AcadTable
    Dim oText As AcadText
    Dim j, k, l, m As Long
    Dim i, n As Integer
    Dim FilterType(3) As Integer
    Dim FilterData(3) As Variant
    Dim insPt As Variant
    Dim tmpStr As String
    Dim basePnt As Variant
    Dim celltxtchk As String
    Dim oMText As AcadMText
    Dim SSetSort As Variant
        FilterType(0) = -4
        FilterData(0) = "<or"
        FilterType(1) = 0
        FilterData(1) = "TEXT"
        FilterType(2) = 0
        FilterData(2) = "MTEXT"
        FilterType(3) = -4
        FilterData(3) = "or>"
        On Error Resume Next
        Set oSset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("FieldsToTable")
        Set oSset2 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("FieldsToTablesorted")
        On Error GoTo ErrMsg
        oSset.SelectOnScreen FilterType, FilterData
        If oSset.Count <> 0 Then
            Dim objTxt As AcadText
            Dim objSSet As AcadSelectionSet
            Dim TxtPnt As Variant
            Dim arTxtPnts() As Variant
            Dim TxtBasePnt(0 To 1) As Double
            Dim iDim As Integer
            iDim = 0
            ReDim Preserve arTxtPnts(oSset.Count - 1, 2)
            For Each objTxt In oSset
                If objTxt.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft Then
                    TxtPnt = objTxt.InsertionPoint
                    TxtPnt = objTxt.TextAlignmentPoint
                End If
                TxtBasePnt(0) = TxtPnt(0): TxtBasePnt(1) = TxtPnt(1)
                arTxtPnts(iDim, 0) = TxtPnt(0)
                arTxtPnts(iDim, 1) = TxtPnt(1)
                arTxtPnts(iDim, 2) = objTxt.Handle
                iDim = iDim + 1
            arTxtPnts = SortArrayByCoords(arTxtPnts)
            Dim arTxtObjs() As AcadText
            'Dim objSortedSSet As AcadSelectionSet
            ReDim arTxtObjs(UBound(arTxtPnts))
            'Set objSortedSSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS_Text1")
            For i = 0 To UBound(arTxtPnts)
                Set arTxtObjs(i) = ThisDrawing.HandleToObject(arTxtPnts(i, 2))
            oSset2.AddItems arTxtObjs
            i = oSset2.Count
            ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity oTable, basePnt, "Select Table to fill-out:"
            k = oTable.Columns
            If k <> 2 And k <> 5 Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            j = i  k
            l = 0
            n = 0
            For l = 0 To k - 1
                For m = 3 To j + 2
                    celltxtchk = oSset2.Item(n).ObjectName
                    If celltxtchk = "AcDbMText" Then
                        Set oMText = oSset2.Item(n)
                        tmpStr = CStr(oMText.ObjectID)
                    End If
                    If celltxtchk = "AcDbText" Then
                        Set oText = oSset2.Item(n)
                        tmpStr = CStr(oText.ObjectID)
                    End If
                    tmpStr = "%<AcObjProp Object(%<_ObjId " & tmpStr & _
                    ">%).TextString f " & "" & "%bl2" & "" & ">%"
                    oTable.SetText m, l, tmpStr
                    n = n + 1
            Set oSset2 = Nothing
            Set oSset = Nothing
            Set oSsets = Nothing
            Set oTable = Nothing
            Exit Sub
        End If
        MsgBox Err.Description
        End Sub
    Sub SortTextByPos()
    Dim objTxt As AcadText
    Dim objSSet As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim gpCode(0) As Integer: Dim dataVal(0) As Variant
    Set objSSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TxtSet")
    gpCode(0) = 0: dataVal(0) = "Text"
    objSSet.SelectOnScreen gpCode, dataVal
    If objSSet.Count <> 0 Then
        Dim TxtPnt As Variant
        Dim arTxtPnts() As Variant
        Dim TxtBasePnt(0 To 1) As Double
        Dim iDim As Integer
        iDim = 0
        ReDim Preserve arTxtPnts(objSSet.Count - 1, 2)
        For Each objTxt In objSSet
            If objTxt.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft Then
                TxtPnt = objTxt.InsertionPoint
                TxtPnt = objTxt.TextAlignmentPoint
            End If
            TxtBasePnt(0) = TxtPnt(0): TxtBasePnt(1) = TxtPnt(1)
            arTxtPnts(iDim, 0) = TxtPnt(0)
            arTxtPnts(iDim, 1) = TxtPnt(1)
            arTxtPnts(iDim, 2) = objTxt.TextString
            iDim = iDim + 1
        arTxtPnts = SortArrayByCoords(arTxtPnts)
        '<-- Display values for checking -->
        Dim strOP As String
        strOP = strOP & "X Coordinate" & vbTab & vbTab & "Y Coordinate" & _
        vbTab & vbTab & "Text" & vbCrLf
        strOP = strOP & String(22, "-") & vbTab & vbTab & String(22, "-") & _
        vbTab & vbTab & String(5, "-") & vbCrLf
        For i = 0 To UBound(arTxtPnts)
            strOP = strOP & arTxtPnts(i, 0) & vbTab & vbTab & arTxtPnts(i, 1) & _
            vbTab & vbTab & arTxtPnts(i, 2) & vbCrLf
        MsgBox strOP
        '<-- End display -->
    End If
    End Sub
    Function SortArrayByCoords(ByVal arSource As Variant)
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim dblTmpVal(2)
        For i = UBound(arSource) To LBound(arSource) Step -1
           For j = LBound(arSource) + 1 To i
           '<-- Check for the X coordinates first and if they are equel -
           '<-- compare the the Y coordinates -->
             If ( _
                    (arSource(j - 1, 0) > arSource(j, 0)) _
                    Or ( _
                    (arSource(j - 1, 0) = arSource(j, 0)) _
                    And _
                    (arSource(j - 1, 1) < arSource(j, 1)) _
                    ) _
                ) Then
               dblTmpVal(0) = arSource(j - 1, 0)
               dblTmpVal(1) = arSource(j - 1, 1)
               dblTmpVal(2) = arSource(j - 1, 2)
               arSource(j - 1, 0) = arSource(j, 0)
               arSource(j - 1, 1) = arSource(j, 1)
               arSource(j - 1, 2) = arSource(j, 2)
               arSource(j, 0) = dblTmpVal(0)
               arSource(j, 1) = dblTmpVal(1)
               arSource(j, 2) = dblTmpVal(2)
             End If
           Next j
         Next i
      SortArrayByCoords = arSource
    End Function
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

    Further Testing, I didn't get MText implemented yet....back to the drawing board

    Thanks again,

    Completed code:
    removed didnt work
    Last edited by danderson.71652; 2006-06-22 at 08:40 PM.

  8. #18
    AUGI Addict MikeJarosz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

    What Zoomharis has done here is what's called a "Bubble sort" in computer science. It is one of the simplest sorting algorithms to understand, and it has the extra advantage on not requiring additional computer memory. I use it in a number of my programs, one of which sorts by the y-coordinate of a block.

    You can Google "bubble sort" and get alot of additional information on it. Some sites will have code you can clip. You will also get info on other algorithms for sorting. It turns out that the bubble sort is the slowest of them all. If you were sorting all IRS tax returns by social security number, you would use a shell sort or a quick sort. These are created by mathematicians and are thousands times faster than the bubble sort.

    Why VBA doesn't have some kind of built in sort is a mystery. It would certainly make a lot of our lives easier.

    Wish list request??

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

    True, check out this little Gem. All I did was compile the code.
    It is a graphical comparison of various sorting methods that you can test.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by danderson.71652; 2006-06-22 at 06:26 PM.

  10. #20
    All AUGI, all the time zoomharis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values

    Quote Originally Posted by danderson.71652
    Further Testing, I didn't get MText implemented yet....back to the drawing board
    Hi Dan,
    I have solved the MText issue in the latest modification. Please have a look at it.

    Sub SortTextByPos()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim objTxt
    Dim objSSet As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim gpCode(3) As Integer: Dim dataVal(3) As Variant
    Set objSSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TxtSet")
    gpCode(0) = -4
    dataVal(0) = "<or"
    gpCode(1) = 0
    dataVal(1) = "TEXT"
    gpCode(2) = 0
    dataVal(2) = "MTEXT"
    gpCode(3) = -4
    dataVal(3) = "or>"
    objSSet.SelectOnScreen gpCode, dataVal
    If objSSet.Count <> 0 Then
    	Dim TxtPnt As Variant
    	Dim arTxtPnts() As Variant
    	Dim TxtBasePnt(0 To 1) As Double
    	Dim iDim As Integer
    	iDim = 0
    	ReDim Preserve arTxtPnts(objSSet.Count - 1, 2)
    	For Each objTxt In objSSet
    		If TypeOf objTxt Is AcadMText Then
    			TxtPnt = objTxt.InsertionPoint
    		ElseIf objTxt.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft Then
    			TxtPnt = objTxt.InsertionPoint
    			TxtPnt = objTxt.TextAlignmentPoint
    		End If
    		TxtBasePnt(0) = TxtPnt(0): TxtBasePnt(1) = TxtPnt(1)
    		arTxtPnts(iDim, 0) = TxtPnt(0)
    		arTxtPnts(iDim, 1) = TxtPnt(1)
    		arTxtPnts(iDim, 2) = objTxt.Handle
    		iDim = iDim + 1
    	arTxtPnts = SortArrayByCoords(arTxtPnts)
    	Dim arTxtObjs() As AcadEntity
    	Dim objSortedSSet As AcadSelectionSet
    	ReDim arTxtObjs(UBound(arTxtPnts))
    	Set objSortedSSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS_Text")
    	For i = 0 To UBound(arTxtPnts)
    		Set arTxtObjs(i) = ThisDrawing.HandleToObject(arTxtPnts(i, 2))
    	objSortedSSet.AddItems arTxtObjs
    	 '<-- Display values for checking -->
    	Dim strOP As String
    	For Each objTxt In objSortedSSet
    		strOP = strOP & objTxt.TextString & vbCrLf
    	MsgBox strOP
    	objSortedSSet.Highlight True
    	'<-- End display -->
    End If
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    	MsgBox Err.Description
    End If
    End Sub
    Function SortArrayByCoords(ByVal arSource As Variant)
    	Dim i As Integer
    	Dim j As Integer
    	Dim dblTmpVal(2)
    	For i = UBound(arSource) To LBound(arSource) Step -1
    	 For j = LBound(arSource) + 1 To i
    	 '<-- Check for the X coordinates first and if they are equel -
    	 '<-- compare the the Y coordinates -->
    		 If ( _
    				(arSource(j - 1, 0) > arSource(j, 0)) _
    				Or ( _
    				(arSource(j - 1, 0) = arSource(j, 0)) _
    				And _
    				(arSource(j - 1, 1) < arSource(j, 1)) _
    				) _
    			) Then
    		 dblTmpVal(0) = arSource(j - 1, 0)
    		 dblTmpVal(1) = arSource(j - 1, 1)
    		 dblTmpVal(2) = arSource(j - 1, 2)
    		 arSource(j - 1, 0) = arSource(j, 0)
    		 arSource(j - 1, 1) = arSource(j, 1)
    		 arSource(j - 1, 2) = arSource(j, 2)
    		 arSource(j, 0) = dblTmpVal(0)
    		 arSource(j, 1) = dblTmpVal(1)
    		 arSource(j, 2) = dblTmpVal(2)
    		 End If
    	 Next j
    	 Next i
    SortArrayByCoords = arSource
    End Function
    Please incorporate it with your code and give me a feedback if possible.

    Last edited by zoomharis; 2006-06-22 at 10:34 PM.

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