I had been working quite happily on a project and produced a number of B1 size drawings when an order from on high specified that only A1 or A0 size drawings were to be used.

No problem I thought, I'll just redefine the title sheet block using "attredef" command rather than just redefine the block as the project name and drawing number etc. were editable attributes, so far so good.

Inserted the block in model space making careful note of the insertion point, exploded the said block and adjusted the boarders for A0 repositioned the title block and used "attredef" to redefine the block.

Now the problems started, back in paper space, on sheet one there was now two title blocks one over the top of the other and the remaining sheets had the new borders but the attributes were in the original location,

So what on the face of it appeared to be a bit of an inconvenience turned in to a bit of a chore having to reinsert the title blocks for the whole job, I did use copy/paste once I had entered the project info but each sheet title and number had to entered individually.

So what did I do wrong?

By the way I'm using Mech Desktop 2006

Any help for future reference will be gratefully received.


Don Smith.

PS: An entry on the wish list for future versions, up date the "attredef" command to use dialogue box for block selection.