I've got a question, regarding the loading of reactor programs. I'm a little confused as to proper procedure as I know that loading a reactor more than once can cause issues. Here's the situation: We use a third party software called Eagle Point for our civil applications. I have found through many hours of frustration, and experimenting, that Eagle Point doesnt seem to get along with a lot of the programs we have running that fire based on a reactor. However, there are some programs, that I hope dont cause issues, that are vital to our productivity (linking notes so when one is changed, the other linked notes are changed; and automatically switching layers when starting certain commands; are the big ones). When it comes to loading a reactor, currently I am using:
(if (not Command_Ending_Reactor)
  (setq    Command_Ending_Reactor
     ) ;_ end of vlr-command-reactor
  ) ;_ end of setq
  () ;_ the reactor is already loaded
) ;_ end of if
when "not loading a reactor multiple times" is referred to, is it referring to the :vlr-commandended or is it referring to Command_Ending_Reactor? In other words, can I run the following without creating issues:
((and (not Command_Ending_Reactor) (not (member "egpt.exe" (dos_processes))))
  (setq    Command_Ending_Reactor_EP
     ) ;_ end of vlr-command-reactor
  ) ;_ end of setq
 (setq    Command_Ending_Reactor_NOEP
      ) ;_ end of vlr-command-reactor
   ) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of cond1
((and (not Command_Ending_Reactor) (member "egpt.exe" (dos_processes)))
   (setq    Command_Ending_Reactor_EP
      ) ;_ end of vlr-command-reactor
   ) ;_ end of setq
 ) ;_ end of cond2
) ;_ end cond
(the preceding is an untested code, it's more of a psuedo code for example purposes)