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Thread: How does Mapguide work with Map 3d?

  1. #1
    Active Member norrin's Avatar
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    Default How does Mapguide work with Map 3d?

    I've been tasked to see if there is something other than Map 3d that we may need. I have looked at the Mapguide info at Autodesk and it seems like something we could use. But I'm having a hard time telling if we would still need Map or does Mapguide come with Map.

    I guess my question is: Is mapguide standalone or does it need map to greate the basic?

    I work for an Electric Co-op and we are trying to get up to speed on the GIS thing.

    I hope that makes sense.

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time brian.hailey933139's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does Mapguide work with Map 3d?

    According to the glossary of "Best Practices for Managing Geospatial Data" put out by Autodesk:


    A software platform for distributing spatial data over the Internet or on an intranet. Exists in two versions: Open Source, which is supported by the community ( and Enterprise, which is supported by Autodesk (

    MapGuide Server

    The MapGuide component that hosts the MapGuide services and responds to requests from client applications through TCP/IP protocol.

    MapGuide Viewer (DWF Viewer)

    The version of the MapGuide Viewer component that is based on a Microsoft ActiveX Control and has full support for the DWF format. It works with the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser only.

    MapGuide Viewer (AJAX viewer)

    The version of the MapGuide Viewer component that does not need a download (also known as "zero-client viewer"). It works with Microsoft Internet Explorer, running on Windows, or with browsers such as Firefox on other operating systems, such as MacOS or Linux.


    So, to answer your question, it does not have Map built into it but is used to present the informtion via the internet or intranet. At least that's my take on it.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by Brian Hailey; 2007-07-13 at 09:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Geospatial Moderator Jmurphy's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does Mapguide work with Map 3d?

    Brian is correct. Map 3D is used to create the maps, Map Guide is used to display and query the maps/data across the Internet or an intranet with the help of Map Guide Studio. Map Guide comes in two favors, either the Enterprise version that is supported by AutoDesk that you pay for or the Open Source version that is free and not supported by AutoDesk but there is a lot of peer to peer support for it on the OSGEO site. The one thing about Map Guide (either version) is they also can use other format in the maps, example an ESRI Shape file can be viewed and data can be queried the same as a dwg format can. Also the Open Source version has other FDO providers that can be used to connect to other open source GIS systems. However you will need to use Map Guide Studio or the OS version to create the Map Guide site. Another point to be made is Map Guide needs a server to be installed on, now that can be as simple as Apache server that comes with some of the WEB tools or d/l for free or a server that can be as complex as Windows 2005 server.

    I, along with a lot of others, are able to run Map Guide and create sites on laptops. So depending on how much you want to get into this as to what software and hardware you need. If you want more info email or message me. As a former Co-op employee I would love to see more co-ops go with Map 3D and Mapguide for a lot less money than ESRI SDE web servers.

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