Summary: Greater control of network install configurations, including the ability to globally change options after installation.

Description: Options where possible can be network configurable. For example, the current drawing format can be set at 2004 and when the overall policy is agreed to move to 2007 format then it can be changed globally.
Ideally some of the options should be user configurable if allowed by the CAD administrator to allow more flexible setups where necessary.
To take it to a higher level, these configurations could be rolled out as policies where one group of workstations could have more flexible policies than others. To keep this manageable, the policies should be hierarchical e.g. Standard CAD Users, Power CAD Users, Administrative CAD Users. Each group extends the user flexibility to change options.

How Used: Very beneficial to CAD administrators who can roll out AutoCAD in a standardised and controlled format. Users benefit from having a standardised setup thus reducing support calls.

Feature Affinity: Install

Submitted By: Michael Earley on June 24, 2007