Summary: The ability to select the length and width of a 3D box using pickpoints on the screen.

Description: In the "old" 3D-Enviroment you could pick the x-, y-, an z-length of a box free in the drawing by using the option "length". Now, sice ACAD2007 using the Option length: The first point of the vektor is the base point of the box ... I cannot say the x-lengt of y new box is the diameter of a existing zylinder in my model.
The former way was much better!
By the way: Picking the heigth of a Zylinder whith 2 Points is possible (option 2points)...

How Used: Easier pick up measurements for creating 3D-solid boxes

Feature Affinity: Drawing Tools 3D

Submitted By: Siegfried Rief on October 10, 2007