To prevent users from opening Civil 3D drawings in AutoCAD, consider only installing Civil 3D and do not install AutoCAD.
We also have multiple versions of Civil 3D installed here, so to instead help users leverage File Explorer, I simply set the registry via Acad.lsp to open .DWG in that version & that profile on launch... so user launches the desired version of Civil 3D, then they can double click + open all they want. If they open multiple versions, last version opened is used.
Similarly I disable .DWG right click + print from File Explorer shell menu, so users instead use CAD itself or a custom Windows shell menu I've added (which batch plots DWG to PDF using Core Console in parallel).
You don't need to herd cats... just spray water in their face (figuratively) by making it harder for them to do what they're not supposed to do... but more importantly, make it easier for them to do the right thing.
When something is cumbersome, remove their roadblocks. Make their daily work easier (automate where possible) and they'll not only choose to do things the right way for themselves, but they'll be happier and more productive too. That means more time for family, friends, or literally anything but work.
;;; Set DWG double click open version
(setq vrsn (substr (findfile "acad.exe") 35 4))
"\"C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD " vrsn
"\\acad.exe\" /ld \"C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD " vrsn
"\\AecBase.dbx\" /p \"" (getvar 'cprofile) "\" /product \"C3D\" /language \"en-US\" \"%1\""
(setq vrsn nil)
;;; Disable DWG right click print