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Thread: Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

  1. #1
    Certified AUGI Addict patricks's Avatar
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    Default Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

    We're trying to create a life safety sheet for future projects that will show a room schedule with the occupancy type of each room, the area of each room, occupancy type, number of occupants allowed by code, etc.

    What we need to have is some kind of formula that will say okay if this room is Assembly occupancy, take the area and divide by 15. If it's a different occupancy, take the area and divide by some other number, etc. Is there a way to do this?

    Right now we just have columns for every type of occupancy, so the table ends up showing the number of occupants for each occupancy type, for EVERY room. We thought we might do filled regions to block out the unwanted numbers for each occupancy but apparently a filled region won't obscure a schedule and it's data. We would rather have just one column labled "Occupancy" that would divide the area by the correct number, based on the occupancy assignment of that room.

    Anyone know of a way to do this?

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time archjake's Avatar
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    Default Re: Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

    Does this work for you?
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Certified AUGI Addict patricks's Avatar
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    Default Re: Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

    Yes that is exactly it. How did you get it to display the S.F. per person automatically when you set the occupancy type in the pulldown box?

  4. #4
    Certified AUGI Addict patricks's Avatar
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    Default Re: Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

    I'm guessing the table with all the occupancy types is a key schedule? That's something that can just be in the project but not on a sheet. I appreciate that man, I added it to our template, and also added a field to calculate and total up required egress width

  5. #5
    All AUGI, all the time archjake's Avatar
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    Default Re: Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

    Quote Originally Posted by patricks
    Yes that is exactly it. How did you get it to display the S.F. per person automatically when you set the occupancy type in the pulldown box?
    Its just a calculated value done in the schedule.

    Yes, it is a key schedule and does not have to be on a sheet.
    good idea about calculating the required width.


  6. #6
    Member kparks140020's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

    Great question. Excellent answer Jake. I myself have been working on a life safety schedule and adding it to our template. Our office standard is to show a graphical symbol in a life safety plan and now I can do that reflecting data like a room tag.

    Thanks guys.

  7. #7
    Certified AUGI Addict patricks's Avatar
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    Default Re: Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

    We have a room tag with life safety info on it (occupancy type, SF per person, and number of persons in that room). However we have to manually enter the SF per person info and things like that. Would there be a way to create a tag that links to this schedule info?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

    Sorry, I am not posting an answer to anybody's question here, just a word of warning. Be careful when letting the computer calculate code information automatically! I think it is great that the computer can do that for us, I would just be very thorough about making the computer "show its work". Not that anybody would be this oblivious, but just make sure you don't take the computer's word for everything, and don't always hide your formulas.
    I am not trying to say don't do it, just posting a friendly reminder...

  9. #9
    Certified AUGI Addict patricks's Avatar
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    Default Re: Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

    Yeah, I think for these purposes, we will have to make doubly sure that the area defined by the room tags is following the correct boundaries. If it isn't, we will have to make use of Room Separation lines.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Room scheduling, occupancy, egress

    Great Schedule. Thanks for providing it. I do have one question. What was the formula for Persons equation. I've tried using Area/S.F.PerPerson, but I can only use the Area units. But in your schedule you another units. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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