Below snippet comes from an old CADManagers Guild post from Richard Binning -
Having them both on the same machine poses no problem unless you are pointing both version to the same custom menu.
Remember that although you may have them in separate folders, if autocad finds the menu first from the wrong location , then it might load that.
Make sure you don't hve this custom menu in the search path of both versions.
If you really want to use the same menu for both versions, then you can recompile the menu on the fly!
Try this code:
1.) save the following code to a file named acaddoc.lsp so that it loads prior to the menu being loaded.
2.) add the folder containing your custom menu and this acaddoc.lsp to your support file search path and push it up to the top of the pile.
3.) modify the code below replacing the word "Personal" with the name of your custom menu. (Note: personal is both the file name and the menugroup name.
;code below
(if (findfile "Personal.mnr")
(vl-file-delete (findfile "personal.mnr"))
(if (findfile "Personal.mnt")
(vl-file-delete (findfile "personal.mnt"))
(if (findfile "Personal.mnc")
(vl-file-delete (findfile "personal.mnc"))
;set the flag
(setq flag1 T)
;check if the menu is already loaded
(setq loaded (menugroup "PERSONAL"))
;if it is not loaded
(if (= loaded nil)
;do the following
;find the menu file
(setq temp (findfile "PERSONAL.MNS"))
;if you find the menu
(if temp
;do the following
;switch off dialogues
(setvar "FILEDIA" 0)
;load the menu
(command "menuload" "PERSONAL")
;switch on dialogues
(setvar "FILEDIA" 1)
;install the pulldown
(menucmd "P21=+PERSONAL.POP1")
;inform the user
(prompt "\nLoading Users Personal Menu....\n")
) ;progn
;menu not found, so do the following
;inform the user
(alert "Cannot Locate THC Menu. \nRe-Run Install.")
;clear the flag
(setq flag1 nil)
) ;progn
) ;if
) ;progn
;Menu previously loaded so lets unload it now
;unload the menu
(command "menuunload" "PERSONAL")
;find the menu file
(setq temp (findfile "PERSONAL.MNS"))
;if you find the menu
(if temp
;do the following
;switch off dialogues
(setvar "FILEDIA" 0)
;load the menu
(command "menuload" "PERSONAL")
;switch on dialogues
(setvar "FILEDIA" 1)
;install the pulldown
(menucmd "P21=+PERSONAL.POP1")
;inform the user
(prompt "\nLoading Users Personal
) ;progn
;menu not found, so do the following
;inform the user
"Cannot Locate Users Personal Menu.
\nRe-Run Install."
;clear the flag
(setq flag1 nil)
) ;progn
) ;if found
) ;progn
) ;if loaded
Note: Bob Bell is reporting some crashing problems with just recompiling the menu... so I added the menu load/unload sequence. I haven't had any problems since.
Running ADT33 and ADT2004 with a common custom menu.
Richard Binning
CADD Coordinator
Have a good one, Mike