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Thread: Sheet set lisp help

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Sheet set lisp help

    what i'm looking to do is work around the sheet list table. it doesn't conform to our standards. the cell heights create spacing issues. so i just want the sheet lists in Mtext.

    second question is, i'de like to see what lisp routines people are using out there that are specific to sheet sets. are there any lisps that will increase the productivity of sheets set manager.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Sheet set lisp help

    wow! i can't believe i've stumped you all.

  3. #3
    Certifiable AUGI Addict ccowgill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sheet set lisp help

    Our office uses a set of custom lisp routines that uses excel as our sheetset manager, and feeds information to our title blocks through the custom drawing properties and fields.
    our TBL Data.xls file contains 3 tabs, Title Block Info, Sheet List, and Revisions. On each of the tabs, there are specific columns/rows that we place information on that is then imported using startup routines that cause our title blocks and sheet index to update automatically when a drawing is opened. The Index of Plans program that we are currently using has its limitations, and when I have a chance, I plan on making some modifications. (it works fine as long as the sheet title isnt too long). I would suppose you should be able to create a custom routine that would allow you to grab information from the sheetset list, and create a index of plans based on your company standards.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Sheet set lisp help

    Quote Originally Posted by ccowgill View Post
    Our office uses a set of custom lisp routines that uses excel as our sheetset manager, and feeds information to our title blocks through the custom drawing properties and fields.
    our TBL Data.xls file contains 3 tabs, Title Block Info, Sheet List, and Revisions. On each of the tabs, there are specific columns/rows that we place information on that is then imported using startup routines that cause our title blocks and sheet index to update automatically when a drawing is opened. The Index of Plans program that we are currently using has its limitations, and when I have a chance, I plan on making some modifications. (it works fine as long as the sheet title isnt too long). I would suppose you should be able to create a custom routine that would allow you to grab information from the sheetset list, and create a index of plans based on your company standards.
    I think so also, however i've looked around and can't find any information on this. i think lisps routines specific to sheet sets are uncharted territory.

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    Default Re: Sheet set lisp help

    I remember seeing something about the Sheet Set API needing early binding to work which prevents LISP from using it. Or some such. In theory you could mash together something in VBA that would write the information out to a data file which could then be processed by LISP.

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    Default Re: Sheet set lisp help

    Quote Originally Posted by dgorsman View Post
    I remember seeing something about the Sheet Set API needing early binding to work which prevents LISP from using it. Or some such. In theory you could mash together something in VBA that would write the information out to a data file which could then be processed by LISP.
    bummer.. i hate that i can only create a sheet list using a table. i want it to come in as Mtext

  7. #7
    Certifiable AUGI Addict ccowgill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sheet set lisp help

    yes, If I recall that was the problem. We originally never used the sheet set because you couldnt place a field in a title block as text and have it automatically update if sheet set information changed. The field had to be an attribute, which meant that someone could accidentally delete the field, and screw up the title block. I had at first looked into accessing the sheet set custom properties and relaying them in a similar fashion to the custom drawing properties so they could still be used in a field, but this proved to be futile and I went to an alternative method of filling in our sheets. Search the forum for "dwgprops" it is the basis for the program we use to fill in our title blocks.

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