- Libraries
- Hide/isolate - as individual buttons
- Beam properties
- Navigation Steering Wheel is terrible in REVIT 2009
- Multistory Beams
- Loading Family Types
- Naming Conventions
- Filtering Tool for Schedules - Not Up to Database Standards
- Better Dual Display Control
- Want to constrain revision cloud size
- I'd like to half-tone links DURING the link process
- Let user CHOOSE whether to update when opening a file
- Annotation Families Need More Controls
- Element ID's in Schedules
- Revision clouds
- word wrap dim overrides
- Thickened Slab Edge Reinforcement
- Top of Steel Elevation
- Column Rotation property
- Multiple Monitor Support
- Spiral reinforcement for round concrete columns and Bored Piers
- Scrolling in Project Browser
- "go to view" AND "go to sheet"
- Coordination Tools that work!
- Structural Analysis Selection Export (Improved)
- Screws
- Hide speciefied layers of structures
- Terminate graphical mistakes
- KCS bar joists and 2.5K joists
- Double Pitch Joists
- Tag Revit Id
- Start and End Values for Beams
- Better Precast Concrete Support
- Tilt-up or precast wall family
- shx to ttf conversion/comparison
- IFC export to work
- Use what they already have invented
- Warning Message for elements that are deleted
- The Ability to Create a slab Edge on a Sloping Slab
- A Tag to call up Roof Pitches and Slab Falls.
- Schedules per View
- Kip annotation
- Design Options - "Remove From Design Option Set" Button
- Resolution Over-ride by Element
- Printing by sheet number only
- Change the Detail Level of Subcategories in the view templates
- 2010 tutorial
- Schedule Filters
- footings on rock
- RS 2010 Ribbon
- type parameters using other type's values
- The ability to Tag in 3D views.....?
- flagging views posted to sheets
- General Notes
- Using "Count" field in Schedule/Quantities & Material Take-offs
- Copy/Monitor Justification
- Window Tiling Control
- Adobe Printing Combine File Control
- 2010 - Double tee w/ "twisting" capabilities
- Revit DOES NOT extrude curves !
- Copes
- Linked Files and Linear Dimensions in RST2010
- Lig Reinforcement in non rectngular beams
- Select multiple Detail Components and change the drawing order
- Moment Connection "Pick Option"
- Wall Foundation with key & fixed width
- 2009/E - have Masking Region mask Grids (and other annotations) - O
- 2009/E - be able to adjust the draw order of Viewports on a Sheet - O
- Revit Structure 2010 - Focus on precast concrete training in advanced family/documentation
- RS 2010/E - Would like ability to place multiple copies of a view on a sheet - O
- RS2010/E - Ability to use "automatic aligned dimension tool" for walls in elevation views in addition to plans - O
- RS2010/E - Ability to stack fractions - O
- Tags free rotation capability
- RS2010/E - Viewport rotation on sheet
- Wish
- Stairs to join slabs
- Metal studs/Woods stud layout Tools
- Sheet title colour
- Project Browser Auto Hide
- Column/Pier/Pilaster Boxouts @ foundation walls.
- surface pattern on the edges of the walls/floors
- Slope arrow for Structural Framing Items
- Subcategories for Structural Framing 'Filtering'
- Pile, Caps & Gradebeams
- importing dwgs. to the FRONT of model so no searching is req'd
- Match Instance
- Shop tickets
- Curbs by picking walls
- reabr schedule - thumbnails of rebar shape
- Central File Management
- 2010/E - Wall Property to Autojoin to Floor
- 2010/E - Section Reference Any View
- 2010/E - View Reference to Non-related Views
- My Revit Structure Wish for walls in coarse detail
- 2010/E- Load Bearing Level in View Range -O
- Beam Systems for wall girts & roof purlins
- Sub Category of Columns called Posts
- Trusses you need to be able to specify End Vertical Member
- Alignment of Wall Footings
- Family Type Editor
- Beam Alignment Improvement
- Out of the Box Idea - Multiple 3D Section Boxes
- Element visibility control per discipline
- Revit and Robot
- Add Parameters for Shear Walls
- Railings
- Precast Walls
- Varying parameters
- Layers for structural columns and beams!
- Plan Region with VG Overrides
- Volume Calculation Priorities
- Brick coursing tool - Pls!
- disallow Join... For framing!
- Beam System Tags
- In-line View Reference
- Section Box Callout
- MC-Miscellaneous Columns
- Walls Below Not Hidden by Walls Cut
- Stretch Command
- Tag Elements in 3D Views
- Combine Tags and Spot Elevations
- Slanted Walls
- Revision Cloud Sketch
- Deselect Pinned Elements
- Duplicate Views by Sheet
- Advanced Text Editor
- Wall Tunnels
- Stair Stringer Channels
- Rebar By Layer
- Curved Reference Planes
- Copy/Monitor Wall Location Line Specified
- Copy/Monitor Doors and Windows as Families Instead of Openings
- Geometric Constraints
- Cut Rebars
- Orient Assembly Views To Objects
- Testing
- Tagging Volumes and Thicknesses add accuracy to the modeling practice and simplify annotations.
- Refine masking region in section heads for plan annotation so we can actually read section cuts
- Ability to pre-assign company standard worksets to the model categories defined in Revit.
- Allow "Custom Views Scales" to be available in the Properties of "Hide in Scales corser than"
- Phasing properties and relationships should be maintained when copying/pasting from architect's model, binding the arch's model into our structural model, or when using copy/monitor.
- The GCS needs a major overhaul so it could be usable.
- Add a "Future" override to the Phase filter / Phase graphic override dialogue boxes
- Create foundation footings that are not associated with structure above
- I want reference planes to have more properties that i can control.
- I want reference planes to have more properties that i can control.
- Annotation text editing & formatting features - Revit versus AutoCAD
- Ability to have both Imperial and Metric Dimensions, similar to Alternate Dimension in AutoCad
- Column tag with type mark and base elevation.
- Foundation tags with elevations.
- Make joist extended ends visible on coarse view.
- Make joist extended ends visible on coarse view.
- Create a section mark that can have a dog leg in it.
- Would be nice to elevate a curved wall (or other element) to its true width.
- Hatch load bearing elements under floors/beams
- eg - For use with ramp plans.
- Adjust View Range in Section view
- Allow multiple selection of walls for 'disallow join' command
- i hope me wish created
- The ability to draw lines in 3D without selecting a workplane first.
- Revit should have a grade beam tool so it would schedule in the foundation category.
- Add parameter to offset the field of deck ribs.
- Cease expanding the features of the analysis and focus on greater issues needing improvement.
- A symbol that shows a column/wall is attached at the top/base
- Sweeps to be able to pick paths of sectioned geometry.
- Auto update of keynote text file after save
- Moving objects by editing it's coordinate.
- tag alignment, all angles possible not just horizontal or vertical
- Polygonal scope boxes or 4 point scope boxes with angles unequal 90 degrees
- Hide Reference planes/lines by workset or discipline
- Maintain references off all referenced objects and items while splitting objects
- Printing and publishing options must be preset to make it automated.
- Internal PDF printer to make better filenaming possible and 3d PDF
- Link IFC-file
- Retain workset association when copying elements to another location.
- The beam system tool should allow users to specify the location of the first beam.
- Make Revit Links have similar functionality to AutoCAD xrefs (open link, edit link in place, etc)
- Linking issues
- waffled/hollow pot/hollow pot slab modelling and rebar detailing that can be exported/linked to AutoCAD structural detailing
- Let beams act more like walls.
- Copy Monitor must include beams
- Testing WLS New Wish Posting Function
- Beam End Marks
- Allow exported view names to match view name
- Slab Recess
- Beam Tag - Orientation Instance Parameter
- Pier and Grade Beams
- draw section in another section
- Wall layers properties can be defined as architectural or structural
- Field to link detail identificaiton in text
- Make filled regions scalable by instance
- Be able to use split face on every type of families/geometry
- Be able to add custom line patterns
- Be able to make the Annotation text display above/below leader line
- Better, more detailed Copy/monitor tools
- wall foundation section
- Add a System Pier Family
- Annotation Locks
- Annotation Locks
- Tappered Metal Building Frames
- copy monitor slab with elevation points
- Tag the elevation
- Foundation Stepping Tool
- Graphical Column Schedule Controls
- Concrete Graphical Column Schedule
- Better 3D pick points
- Automated beam, and column connections with checkbox options.
- Allow braces to have automatic attachments. Also fix theme so they attach correctly.
- No line in concrecte wall section
- Vertical and horizontal view break in the same view
- Override a dimensions with number!
- Let us add subcategory to project browser
- better hatching management
- Keep override even if dimension change
- To be able to customize revision sequence
- Implement drawing tools
- Better tools for table
- Allow aligning center of foundation with axe or set offset
- I wish that Revit had an AutoCAD to family custom import that would import all content to a new Revi
- Add ability to add Rebar with an extension similar to Geopak Rebar or Rbar
- Ability to change a door and window element as structural with a checkbox.
- Dimension type for plus/minus dimensions
- Referenc points and planes access in main model.
- Truss Visibility in Coarse View
- Reinforcement drawing tools and options accorting to european requirements.
- Dynamic labels in tags
- Column connecting to the bottom of a beam - make easier to define it
- Tapering Rebar, Slanted Rebar, Alternately placed and Alternately Staggered Rebar
- Stair landings
- Worksets and Model Categories
- Structural Foundation: Wall
- More user-friendly edit of assemblies
- Functional Coordination Review Interface
- Change linework without editing region / boundary
- Save detail groups as component/symbol and model groups as family
- Text Editor
- Manipulate the bar joists top chord
- Improve hidden detail viewing in elevation view
- Graphical representation of callouts
- Controlled Beam Setback
- Civil
- Analytical model for stairs
- Local sections in formwork plans