View Full Version : VBA/COM Interop
Pages :
- Using VB6 to start Acad with profile
- Produce/Draw a composite panel automatically by simply defining specific dimensions
- How to pull the end points (grips) of an AcadDimRotated
- used range in AutoCAD VBA
- Change the other Language text to English
- Adding comma's to a text box...
- Access long side and short side info of an Ellipse
- Select all Objects inside a Polyline
- Unload DVB w/o prompting to save???
- Sort Text alphabetically
- Access Ellipse Object
- Block Counter
- If nothing is selected then...
- Insert data from an Excel file
- Sort list of numbers
- Incorrect Parameter
- Polyline joining...
- dimension update
- Returning To Assembly
- modify a variable
- Any powerful trim utilities....?
- Highlight with the grips active
- Distance Between 2 points
- TextBox Focus
- how to extract block with its symbol and store inside mysql?
- Manipulating OLE Objects
- How to connect data in Excel to Block inside Modelspace
- Where or How to Store Standard Code
- How can I select last object
- File dialog in AutoCAD VBA
- Routine to create a new Layer and set Color
- Formula Property Definition
- Dynamic blocks property modification with VBA
- Checking if something is nothing??
- AutoCAD 2007 - Table - GetCellDataType
- reading recordset
- Balloon Insertion via API
- How do I Preset Viewport Scale?
- Automate SSM drag + drop named views
- Locate Element Using AutoDesk Map ObjectData
- New to VBA - AutoCad-Excel question
- Any Books for VBA Developer for free
- How to Code an Excel Autosave
- switching the sys. variable "Elev" to match project levels
- DwgThumbnail background
- how to run module automatically through form?
- API for dynamic simulation? Not found
- Excel-VBA...Reading the Row Number...
- Color Palette not showing in VBA
- Files, directorys, etc...
- How we get the object property
- VBA Sheet Set Manager code snippets via Jimmy Birgmark
- PlotToDevice w/AutoSpool
- Executing Save Back
- Timer Control
- How to create an Automated Drawing?
- Points of a grid drawn with Plines- Intersectwith
- standardizing text input
- Need help writing a macro to break a large topo into smaller grids
- Execution Error in Automation
- Get nested attributes
- AddText Method
- Text Height
- Ghosting revisted...
- .GetPoint
- VBA macro started from Vlisp.
- Highlighting a Collection
- How can I automatically run a Sub from an Inventor VBA Project?
- DGN to DWG with MSLINK
- vba project has locked me out
- Is it possible to run a VBA routine on PCs with different Excel reference libraries
- A few pointers on extraction of lines of text from a BOM
- Automation - 2 data entry problems
- Plot file (*.plt) creation delay in VBA
- Code will run in AutoCAD 2006 but not 2007
- How many object types are there?
- New to File System Object
- Is there a way to delete an open file
- Export Map data to Excel to Word
- VBA button macro won't run
- Reading DXF codes in VBA
- Associated Dimensions & Dynamic Blocks
- Userform sizing
- Can I load files without xrefs?
- Collections in Class Modules
- Share a LISP / VBA Program
- Insert Blocks
- Automate Dim Scales so that they adjust to the zoom in a Viewport if it is locked
- What to learn VBA for AutoCAD
- Automatic dimensioning
- How to create a combo box data
- Editing Menugroup with VBA not effectuated in CUI
- Need Advice-Copy Dblock properties from one Dblock, to another matching Dblock.
- Entity problem
- How to Create Access table data to AutoCAD VBa Combo box data
- VBA routines, how to integrate them into a new install of AutoCAD
- accessing database error
- Point Array while running program
- Selection Set Filter not finding Dynamic Blocks
- Can I get Full VBA Tutorial on net to download?
- Am I correct in thinking there is no hatch collection
- VBA tutorials and other articles
- How can I Iterate the AcadLine object
- CanonicalMediaName with Autocad 2006
- Sort an array of text objects by their X and Y insertion point values
- Help with Sub Function and calling it from main Function
- Find and Replace circles with slots
- Change Decimal points
- Do While fos < 1.09 And fos > 4#
- IF Function
- Writing a Short program from Large Program
- Can XData be displayed in a FIELD?
- VBA and SelectionSets
- VBA startup routine does not get initialized itself...
- Acquire Wall Component Property
- Run copy of Excel inside ACAD?
- Inserting a block w/user defined point?
- Create block from selection set?
- modify only arcs and/or splines in a block
- How to convert Plot Lisp routine to VBA
- Embedded Blocks
- Compiled VBA code does not work on other PCs
- Scan object and add their class name to the listbox(my code is of wasting time)
- Send Attributes to Access
- Handle vs. ObjectID
- What does "VBnewline" mean?
- Need some help with combo boxes and loading xrefs
- VBA to PHP
- Updating a VBA
- Running Excel from ACAD
- VBScript calling VBA
- File version checking
- trying to sense 'plot ending'
- zooming in a locked viewport
- Show Form from a menu
- GetInterfaceObject Strings
- Help Reqd. to check Interference of 2d Blocks
- Object open for read!
- DWG/Block Preview Image
- Error message when loading VBA macro - Could not load an object because...
- Error "Run time error 438, Object does not support this property or method..."
- Copyrighted VBA Macros
- Control Mismatches - error 13; Type mismatch
- String Selection
- How to create Arc using Two Points
- Dynamic Blocks, what visibility sets are available?
- Check status of PAN
- Auto find Files in Directory
- Number of Records in Object Data table
- Set SDI=2 in LDT 2007
- While I cancel button click, "Execution error" will come
- ADT 3.3 Wall Info - Run-time error '438' Object doesn't support this property method
- The future of Visual Basic
- Problem to Exit/Cancel from Userform2
- Generate Layer VBA routine
- Intellisense not recognizing properties
- Sendcommand Insert point
- Insert block definition from one drawing into current drawing
- Does anyone know how to open an existing .exe file ?
- VBA Open and Close Drawing
- Change contents of existing MText through code by using the handle id
- how to get dvb to run before publish plot routine
- making the ucs following the viewport
- VBA to Delete Layer Filters
- ADT 2006 - Automatically move wall boundaries to layer A-WALL-COMP and color by layer
- Converting Fractions to Decimal not in AutoCAD
- Fillet two lines
- VBA program which will find intersection point of two street names
- Retrieve Attribute TextString?
- The Visual Basic Editor in ACAD2006
- Sequential Text Edit
- Find and Replace from a .txt file
- "Can't find library or..."
- I want to change the font in my text styles
- Proxy Entities
- Opening new drawing from index map
- Dynamic Blocks change names?
- Customising, tweaking Map 3D 2007 interface
- Error handling for multiple versions
- The Progress Bar in the AutoCAD status Area
- Create a new variable (string, number, etc.) in a specific drawing
- Controlling Clipping Planes via VBA
- Draw order in blocks
- VBA program sharing
- Error when selecting Pipe (Solid Object) in routine
- Can I view the SQL string generated by Insert>Field?
- Routine to Batch Edit Blocks
- Lat/Long & NAD83 Conversion
- Anyone got information on spin buttons or examples?
- Looking for the functions used in AutoCAD
- GetObject AutoCAD Application
- Properties and methods of common dialog control
- AutoCAD 2007 - Add additional button images stored in a VB6.res (resource) file.
- Objects selection by X direction (-->)
- GetEntity Type Mismatch
- Layer Error - Err.Number=-2145386348, Err.Description="Invalid layer"
- Check to see if a VBA project is already loaded
- Copy Objects Between Drawings Using VBA
- Help modifying a text style
- The named selection set exists error
- Is there an easy way to get a list of all objects on a form?
- Object DBX
- Is there a VBA Method for Restore Previous Layer Status?
- MText Calculator, testers required
- Accessing Attribute tags in a Block
- Packaging a DVB program
- Export points to Excel
- Create Offsets as Objects not Variants
- Reference listbox row with mousemove
- Check spelling of text typed into a text box control
- Using VBA to create AutoCAD layouts
- Zoom Extents, Save and Close starting with a DXF file?
- Save file through multiple sub directories
- Passing multiple variables to a function
- Global Code
- Can't modify DVB files if a user has run the tool
- Create and populate listbox columns and rows with text strings...
- How can I use VBA to change/input McadThreadDescriptor values/parameters?
- VBA to find and replace text
- Delete all instances of a specified block from the drawing
- Scrolling text in a form
- Help with writing code for a custom Offset command
- Has anyone run across a VBA add-in that allows you to find matching items?
- Good tutorials or books for VBA programming on AutoCAD
- How to disable the "Save changes to layout" in Plot dialog
- break all lines at all intersections
- Best method to compare two listbox contents?
- Accessing existing menu items
- Retrieve hatch color to display in a listbox
- copying layouts from one drawing to another
- Is my selected point inside a closed polyline?
- Layer manipulation - VBA challenge
- AutoCAD 2007 - VBA routine that will add a space in dimension text
- Selecting a Title block from a list and insert as a Xref
- Is it possible to retrieve the attribute values from an xref?
- Draworder move an Object all the way to the back
- Excel lock-up after VBA
- VBA routine now returns a Run-time Error in AutoCAD 2007
- AutoCAD 2007 VBA environment is there a record option to record your commands...
- Copy a file without changing the last modified date
- Remove Page Setups From Drawing Files
- Multiple Insert Blocks from Tool Palettes
- VBA fields and tables
- AcadblockReference error
- Can I use ObjectDBX to "read" an opened drawing?
- How can I tell if I am in Modelspace or Paperspace
- Add last entity created to selection set
- Flush the keyboardstate so that AutoCAD does not see the keys pressed during a VBA
- Custom Command Buttons to control Layer visibility
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