View Full Version : Word of Warning About Updating FLEX license from RAC 2009 to 2010

2009-04-23, 10:38 PM
Just thought it might be prudent to share my mistake with you all in case it saves anyone else some heartburn...

I just changed our Flex LM license from Revit Architecture Series 2009 (the one that includes AutoCAD) to the 2010 flavor in the middle of the production day as I have always done without issue.. BUT this time: I clicked the reread license file and BLAMMY about 30 people who were working in Revit 2009 suddenly became disconnected from the license server and where unable to specify the server without exiting out of Revit and re-establishing a new work session.

Note to self: When 2011 comes out, wait until after hours to click the little button. :Oops: