View Full Version : 2010 Mirror Command - removal of functionality?

2009-04-24, 09:55 PM
In 2009 you could select a wall then click on mirror. You had the options of selecting the axis or drawing the axis. In 2010 I have only the option of selecting the axis. Have I missed something or are we stuck with this reduced functionality?

2009-04-24, 10:01 PM
In 2009 you could select a wall then click on mirror. You had the options of selecting the axis or drawing the axis. In 2010 I have only the option of selecting the axis. Have I missed something or are we stuck with this reduced functionality?

The mirror comand now has a "split" button (the little drop down arrow next to the button). You can use this to select the mode of mirror you would like to use. The toggle on the options bar is no longer there.

2009-04-24, 10:03 PM
Both options are still there....it's just that they decided to seperate the 2 ways of mirroring...so now instead of 1 mirror command with 2 ways of mirroring, we have 2 mirror commands....
I am bummed about this decision...

So now you have 2 mirror commands:

1. Pick Mirror Axis
2. Draw Mirror Axis
:s non comprendo!

2009-04-24, 10:08 PM
Thanks Jeff. Got it now. I must say that I feel the ribbon is hiding way too much that was exposed before, but that is another debate.

2009-04-24, 11:26 PM
Further to this I find that there is only the (MM) keyboard shortcut available and this is for mirror by pick axis. There is no keyboard shortcut for mirror by draw the axis.
Even worse is I can select an object to mirror then type ALT TT MR and it provides the dropdown with choice of pick axis or draw axis. Why doesnt the keyboard shortcut (MM) provide this (more logical) functionality. To me, both options of mirror are subcommands or "children commands" of the "parent command" mirror. Autodesk needs to sort out these inconsistencies.

2009-04-25, 12:10 AM
You can assign a keyboard shortcut to each method of mirroring, but once you've chosen one, you cannot change your mind like you could in 2009 - you have to cancel out, select your objects again (unfortunately, Ctrl-Left arrow doesn't work for that), and then choose the other method.

Add this to your Keyboardshortcuts.txt, adding a key combo of your choice:

"MM" ribbon:"ContextualTab-Modify-Mirror-Pick Mirror Axis"
"" ribbon:"ContextualTab-Modify-Mirror-Draw Mirror Axis"

2009-04-25, 01:43 AM
Thanks Daniel. Got it. Autodesk was lazy and didnt put this "empty" string in the shipping keyboardshortcuts.txt file. One command would be simpler.

2009-05-20, 03:38 AM
Would it be better for the mirror command to work like this...

Select object
Enter Mirror command
either pick a line, etc to mirror-by or pick in a space on the screen and then draw your axis.

I would think that Revit would be clever enough to realise that you didn't select a line to know that you want to create your own axis. Maybe this is too simplistic in that maybe you didn't quite hit your selected line and therefore you didn't really want to create your own axis. I'm sure after a couple of times you'll get more accurate.

Is this too simplistic?

If the above solutions is too simplistic then another possiblity is that the space bar could be used to toggle between - this could also be used for other "option" commands. The space bar is invaluable when used as a rotate tool.


2009-05-20, 04:12 AM
The Ctrl Key was able to Toggle between Options on the Option Bar.This was good
an would be my preferred way.

Chad Smith
2009-05-20, 05:59 AM
Maybe this is too simplistic in that maybe you didn't quite hit your selected line and therefore you didn't really want to create your own axis.
I'd be more concerned with the opposite. Say you wanted to draw an axis line that starts on an object, but Revit thinks you are picking the axis.

But your concept is close to what I would prefer, and that would be to have a single Mirror command that starts with the 'Draw' option, and then you can hold down the Shift button to toggle to 'Pick Lines'. Simple.
This way you get a single command with a single shortcut, and the ability to toggle via the keyboard without losing your selection. This would enhance 2009 functionality, instead of suffering a loss of functionality as 2010 demonstrates.

It really seems as though The Factory has been so encapsulated by the Ribbon development over the past 2 years that they have completely forgotten what it is to model efficiently. Everytime Autodesk asks themself a question about a command, they need to step outside of the Ribbon bubble and think about things logically, instead of WWND (What Would Newbies Do)?

2009-05-20, 06:42 AM

Sounds good to me.

Without going into specifics I'm sure this kind of functionality can be built into lots of commands that need a second option/stage. I don't believe having a pull-down with only one additional choice is particularly beneficial to anyone and think that this method could be used in its place. I also don't see the logic in having to restart a command because you didn't select the correct option in the beginning.

Select object
Parent action
Child action (space bar) or single letter from a number of choices - (heaven forbid, like AutoCAD)

It is not quite as simple as that but it needs to be.



2009-05-20, 06:48 AM
Chad i think Shift would not work as this is the key to constrain you Draw Line to Ortogonal.

2009-05-20, 08:44 AM
Tapping space would be the logical way to do it, as it already has a contextual function for other commands (ie. rotation of amily you're about to place)

Chad Smith
2009-05-20, 12:10 PM
Chad i think Shift would not work as this is the key to constrain you Draw Line to Ortogonal.
True, but I wonder how many users know about that given that in 2009 'Constrain' is not on the Options Bar for the Mirror command, like it is for Move and Copy.