View Full Version : Phasing

2009-04-27, 05:35 PM
Working in Revit 2009, we are doing a renovation project, we are just using the out of the box phases, Exisitng & New, we use the demolish hammer to demo out exist walls, then we create a removal floor plans with the phase set to new construction & phase filter set to show previous + demo. It works great except for one peice of the puzzle, the existing room names, we cant show the existing room names on the demo plan becasue of the phase being set to new construction. Is there a way to show the demo in the existing phase, maybe by setting up a different phase filter? I tried but cant seem to get it to work.
Also, Are we going about this all wrong or are we on the right track?


2009-04-27, 05:47 PM
Yeah that is an issue many people have dealt with, since rooms are 1-phase only, can cannot be demolished.

I think this is the only case where I would suggest using a separate Demolition phase between Existing and New. Then you could set up a Demo plan on the Demo phase, with Show Previous + New. Set up existing rooms on the Demo plan. So really the only thing created on the "demo" phase would be those existing rooms, which you can tag.

Be sure to use the Demo hammer in the Demo plan only if you go this route. If you use it in the New Construction plans, then they will not show up as demolished on the Demo plan since there is a separate Demolition phase.

2009-04-27, 09:42 PM
amh, here is how we do it.

Create the removals plan just like you described: phase set to new construction & phase filter set to show previous + demo. Place on removals plan sheet.

Create a new view called, say, "Existing Room Numbers." Set phase to "Existing" and phase filter to "Show New" (which will show existing since the phase is existing) Turn off visibility of everything BUT room numbers. You now have a view containing room numbers.

On your removals plan sheet, place the "Existing Room Numbers" view over the removals view. They should actually snap into alignment when you get close. Now you have existing room numbers in a new construction view.

2009-04-28, 12:42 PM
ah clever way to do it. I'd probably do it that way, actually. I don't like the idea of a separate Demo phase, since that's not how phases were meant to work.

Only possible issue is that it might cause some confusion to someone who may not know that 2 views are overlaid on that sheet if they are working in views from the actual sheet.

2009-04-29, 12:39 AM
Thanks for the tip peterjegan, that seems like it would be excactly what we want.

Thanks again,

2009-04-29, 01:04 AM
Excellent tip! We'll certainly be able to make use of that in our office.

2009-04-29, 11:52 AM
amh, here is how we do it.
On your removals plan sheet, place the "Existing Room Numbers" view over the removals view. They should actually snap into alignment when you get close. Now you have existing room numbers in a new construction view.

I am working in a project that requires room phasing.
Even worse: It has to go to different officials for licencing: City Hall, Social Security, etc. Each one has different ways of measuring areas: One does not include circulation, other does not include fixed casework, etc.
I ended up creating phases and duplicating lots of rooms.
Because of that duplicating rooms, I still needed some consistency with room numbers, and at the beginning I got lots of warning with duplicate room numbers.
My solution was a room parameter (shared for the tags) that duplicated the room number and cleaned the warnings.
Another solution was to add yet another room text parameter (Social security, City) Used for filtering rooms in schedules and plans.
All this is not straight forward, but when officials demand areas measured in 3 different ways for the same project, parameters and phases is my work around.
Attach an example of how I do it with parameters and filters.

Scott Womack
2009-04-29, 04:28 PM
You could have done a set of Design options, placing some/all of the rooms in the various design options, in that way, each design option could have a different boundary for each room. The beuaty of this is that you caould have duplicated the schedules, pointing a schedule to a specific design option, and also producing a plan for each design option.

In reality, your differences in measuring areas, is a perfect application for using area plans and schemes.

2009-04-30, 09:52 AM
I know this is the wrong thread, but you started with the Design Options, Scott.
I never used them before, and have some doubts.
Using Phases, I could only show views related with those phases.
In design Options, I have, for instance a plan with two sections, and each section has a different design option.
How can I only show the section with the design option that matches the one in the plan view?

Scott Womack
2009-04-30, 09:59 AM
I know this is the wrong thread, but you started with the Design Options, Scott.
I never used them before, and have some doubts.
Using Phases, I could only show views related with those phases.
In design Options, I have, for instance a plan with two sections, and each section has a different design option.
How can I only show the section with the design option that matches the one in the plan view?

Each section can be set to a specific design option, via the View Graphics/View Graphics Overrides. There will be an additional "tab" appear when Design Options are activated.

You cannot control where an entire view on a sheet is visible. Personally I'd make Id make another sheet, with a version of the plan on it, and one section shown to display correctly.

Only caution/caveat is that if you ever want to eliminate the Design options, (Client finally chose a single option) when you accept a design option to be the main model again, it will delete views set to one specific design option.