View Full Version : wall cleanup issues

2009-04-29, 02:31 PM
I'm having some real issues with wall cleanups in my residential remodel projects,. (Revit09)Haven't loaded up 2010 yet as I am mid project but maybe that will change things. My walls aren't cleaning up and I spend a lot of time fixing in one view, then I go to the next level and have to do it all over again. I know one issue is that non bearing walls don't want to clean up with bearing walls which makes zero sense. My reseller tech support tells me that I should consider drawing my existing and new construction phases as totally different projects. That would be pathetic!!! If this software is so underdeveloped that it can't perform what it is intended to do,... well I'm not buying that. Hopefully someone can take a look at the screenshot below and clue me in on what I need to do to avoid this BS. Blue walls are bearing, green are non bearing, notice all the green in rear left not cleaning up and the gap in the walls in the far left. Got em all cleaned up in floor plan. Then, in this roof plan they are all jacked up.
Thank You.