View Full Version : PlotStyles ,,,

2009-04-30, 08:31 PM
Good afternoon,
I have a problem drawing. I have been asked to plot a full scale drawing from a supplier. I can't access my Plotstyles. All I see are foreign Plotstyles which are of no use to me. Whatever I do to plot, in Preview I see the plot in color and I get the plot in color. I want B&W.
What do I need to do to plot B&W? I tried changing the plotters preferences but it's still color.
Thank you

2009-04-30, 08:49 PM
are you missing a style table or a color table?

2009-05-01, 11:49 AM
If you are seeing STB files instead of CTB files (or vise versa) and you need to see the other format you can use the command CONVERTPSTYLES to change between the two.

If the file currently uses .CTB files (Color Dependent) and you need to use .STB (Named Plot Style) files you will see the following message after running CONVERTPSTYLES and choosing the desired Named Plot Style:

"Drawing converted from Color Dependent mode to Named plot style mode."


If the file currently uses .STB files (Named Plot Style) and you need to use .CTB files (Color Dependent) you will see the following message after running CONVERTPSTYLES and choosing the desired Color Dependent Table:

"Drawing converted from Named plot style mode to Color Dependent mode."

Hope this helps.


Kimberly Fuhrman
2009-06-18, 03:02 PM
Thanks for the reply...I just had the same issue with one drawing in particular. You saved me hours of insanity! =)