View Full Version : Where is "cut plan profile"

2009-05-01, 03:26 AM
Okay, I'm giving this 2010 a chance and my god is it a waste of time. I am looking for the "cut plan profile" command to edit an extruded roof and it is nowhere to be found. So I check in "Where is my command" and it is not there.
The "where is my command " feature is just plain stupid. How can you possibly leave "copy" out of the list? If you are going to alter the entire UI you should at least make a half baked attempt to keep your users from wasting hours and hours chasing down where you have hidden the commands. Just imagine the wasted manhours that are being generated because Autodesk can't be bothered to spend the time to prepare decent help files.

2009-05-01, 03:36 AM
Are you referring to Edit Cut Profile? It's found on the Modify tab and shortened to Cut Profile.

2009-05-01, 03:56 AM
Select the Roof, Modify Roofs Ribbon tab > Modify Roof panel > Vertical Opening

2009-05-01, 03:59 AM
I am not looking for "Vertical Opening " I am looking for the tool that used to pop up on the Options bar when you selected an extruded roof. The tool is called "Cut Plan Profile".

2009-05-01, 04:03 AM
That is the tool now...it does the "same" thing. You sketch the same sort of boundary just not creating a "hole".

2009-05-01, 04:06 AM
If Autodesk is going to change the location of the command as well as the name, perhaps they might think it prudent to mention it somewhere in their hopelessly lame documentation.

2009-05-01, 04:10 AM
Where's your sense of "adventure"? :smile: It's not software it's an adventure! Ever notice when someone is in pain it sorta looks like a smile...if you look quick.

2009-05-01, 04:24 AM
Oh like one of those old text based adventure games...You are in a dark cold room deep underground.. it is late at night... You suddenly need to cut a shape in an extruded roof.....

2009-05-01, 05:04 AM
I'm not so sure I agree with the semantics of the naming of that command. I think I commented about it on the Revit Factory blog. To me a vertical opening is an opening on a vertical plane. At least, that's what I think of if the text isn't accompanied by that icon!

Chad Smith
2009-05-01, 05:47 AM
I agree with David on this one. The naming isn't all that great.

Take the Wall Opening tool. This being the opposite of the Vertical Opening, it could logically be called Horizontal Opening. But this creates imagery of sketching on the horizontal. The Vertical Opening naming is no different.

One thing I've never understood is why Roof By Extrusion has a Vertical Opening modify tool, but to do the same with a Roof By Footprint it is another tool somewhere else in the program.

2009-05-01, 12:22 PM
They should put the cut plan profile back to where it belongs. On the options bar! A cut-plan profile is'nt an opening.

2009-05-01, 12:39 PM
"Cheese wasn't moved it was "eaten"...I suspect the code for cut plane profile and Vertical Opening is essentially the same, just not limited to a roof element. I agree it is a little confusing!

2009-05-01, 03:38 PM
Ok.. .Some of the name changes are less than ideal. Here's one that I do like: "Synchronize with Central" vs. "Save to Central."

So there's at least one good point in 2010.

2009-05-01, 04:18 PM
"Cheese wasn't moved it was "eaten"...I suspect the code for cut plane profile and Vertical Opening is essentially the same, just not limited to a roof element. I agree it is a little confusing!

I think the confusion could be dispelled if Autodesk had spent perhaps 20 minutes or so writing a short entry to the help file to explain the change. Obviously it is not their time being wasted so if they can save twenty minutes and waste many hours of their users time that's what they have decided to do. Not a very friendly business model.

2009-05-02, 12:37 AM
Oh like one of those old text based adventure games...You are in a dark cold room deep underground.. it is late at night... You suddenly need to cut a shape in an extruded roof.....

that made me laugh big time, and today, I need a laugh, to forget about how many times Revit 2010 has crashed out and closed on me in the last 3 days of testing between working on real work !
thanks for a great line !


2009-05-04, 09:04 PM
Oh like one of those old text based adventure games...You are in a dark cold room deep underground.. it is late at night... You suddenly need to cut a shape in an extruded roof.....

....you smell a wumpus... and that wumpus smells like Revit 2010 :p

2009-05-08, 02:58 AM
It wouldn't be so bad if we hadn't received the triple whammy:

Tools were moved (ribbon)
Tools were renamed
Tool icons were changed