View Full Version : Mirroing with 2010 massing a mess?

2009-05-01, 08:53 AM
Tried mirroring a simple mass in 2010 and it goes all over the place (figuratively speaking). Can't edit the mirrored object. Does this mean I have to create each mass individually or m I missing something?

2009-05-01, 11:51 AM
Just tried creating a form then mirroring about a vertical line...

works fine for me so far - both objects are editable independently.

That's in Vista 64.

2009-05-01, 12:18 PM
Just had a quick try, if I mirror the mass & the ref plane together it seems OK, but if I mirror without the ref plane not OK. (file attached)

2009-05-01, 01:42 PM
Hmm, yes you are right for the shapes in your file.

I don't know enough about using the new mass tools.

When I start a new mass in Revit 2010 I'm offered a family to load and in all the tutorials I've seen that basic family gives the levels for creation of mass objects and suchlike.
Those seem to mirror OK.

I'll have another play later - time to go out to site in the rain (was that summer we had last week;))