View Full Version : 3D & Camera View Rotations Not Saved in RAC2010

2009-05-05, 05:10 PM
After consulting my reseller’s technical support, it appears that RAC2010 does not save rotation and orbit changes to any unbracketed 3D and Camera Views. According to tech support this was an unknown issue until today.
You can check this for yourself by creating an unbracketed 3D or Camera View. An unbracketed view can be created by selecting the bracketed (3D) view inside the project browser, right clicking on the view and selecting duplicate view from the drop-down menu. After its creation, rotate or orbit the view into a different orientation. Then save the project and open the file again. The newly created view will default back to the front southwest axonometric orientation.
I utilize a large number of 3D and Camera Views in my Construction Docs. So until this is corrected I can’t use this update.

2009-05-05, 05:17 PM
In my experience, 3D views have always gone back to their original position unless you save the view orientation. While in a 3D view, using either the steering wheel or the view cube (right click), choose Save View to save that view's orientation. Have you tried doing that? Your description occurs the same for me in 2009, unless I save the view like I described.

2009-05-05, 05:34 PM
After its creation, rotate or orbit the view into a different orientation. Then save the project and open the file again. The newly created view will default back to the front southwest axonometric orientation.

The view is going back to whatever view direction is defined as "Home". If you make changes to a 3d view you can right click on the home icon above the view cube and choose "Set Current View as Home" This should save the current view and opening and closing the project will use the newly defined "home" view.

2009-05-05, 07:31 PM
Thank you for your comments.
After reviewing your responses I see that there are some similarities with the way RAC2009 functions. However, I have never had to save a camera view in RAC2009. In some projects I can have as many as 6 to 8 camera views dropped into sheets and not remembering to save them would have been very problematic. What makes this worse is; when you close the file, Revit does not prompt you that there are unsaved views within the project. This notification should be included if we are expected to save 3D view changes.
I have also noticed that some of these issues can occur intermittently. For example, if I modify a 3D view after creating it and I toggle the shadows on and off, etc., the view is sometimes saved at the close of the project. Other times it is not saved. There should be consistency on how the program works instance to instance.
Again, according to tech support, Autodesk has replicated the error and is working to resolve the issue.
Thanks again for your replies.

2009-05-06, 11:52 AM
If you right-click on the view cube and pick menu item "Save View", a dialog will pop up asking for a view name.

The view will be saved in it's current position in the new view name that will appear on your project browser.

Then, even if you rotate or re-orbit the view, and then save the project and exit, when you open the project again, the view will be in it's original "saved view" position.


2009-05-07, 02:38 PM
A preliminary report from tech support suggests that this anomaly occurs only under the 32x and 64x versions of Windows Vista. I will keep you posted.

Kevin Janik
2010-09-24, 06:59 PM
Is this still a problem? Also, can each view have it own home. We were playing in 2011
and seem to not find that to be true.


2010-09-25, 11:35 PM
yes, each view can have an independent "home" view. as described above, go to your prefered viewing angle then right click the view cube -> "set as home"

Kevin Janik
2010-10-01, 05:18 PM
We found the home view seems to migrate to other 3D views and not stay per 3D view. We are trying to use Orient to View and save a set view angle the way we want it and not work in it but another view and then use it to update the orientation if it gets goofed up.

Another issue with detailing in 3D views is not having Detail Lines available. What are people doing in their 3D views?
