View Full Version : Small sheet Addenda

2004-10-28, 03:05 PM
This has been visited before
but I was hoping there would be something new in 7. Apparently not, but I don't see anything in the Wishlist either.

We always issue addenda on 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 and really need a way to get a portion of a full-size sheet onto another small sheet.

2004-10-28, 03:26 PM
It wasn't suggested before but it seems to me that your best solutions may be to export as a dwg and then link the dwg back to an otherwise null view and stick that on an addendum sheet, that way if you update the original sheet you can re-export (with the same name) and update the link.

J. Grouchy
2004-10-28, 03:41 PM
This has been visited before
but I was hoping there would be something new in 7. Apparently not, but I don't see anything in the Wishlist either.

We always issue addenda on 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 and really need a way to get a portion of a full-size sheet onto another small sheet.
One good reason for being able to put the same view on multiple sheets...

Scott D Davis
2004-10-28, 05:07 PM
One good reason for being able to put the same view on multiple sheets...
Make a copy of the view, call it Addendum View (or ???) and then place it on a sheet, and set that sheet up to have an 11x17 titleblock instead. Make a new "discipline" called addenda, assign it to a sheet, and then your broject browser can organized the addenda drawings from the main drawings.

2004-10-28, 06:42 PM
That's probably the closest (and most Revit-esque) solution so far.

The main problems I see with it are:
1.) We'd like to see the whole detail (including the Detail Number/Sheet Name/ Title text) on the Addendum sheet, so we really need to get the "callout" from the Sheet, not the View
2.) Once we copy the View, it's no longer linked to the original. Or at least, the Annotations aren't linked and would need to be duplicated.

Good idea or the "Addenda" discipline, too.


Scott D Davis
2004-10-28, 06:47 PM
I think this leads to discussion of the need for a new tool/view, called Addenda callout. It would allow you to create a new view from and existing view/sheet. Then when you place it on a new addenda sheet, it would fill in or reference back to the original sheet. I could see the callout saying something like "Addendum 1 - Sheet A2.1" which would tell what sheet the original drawing was on.

2004-10-28, 07:03 PM
Thus, my entry in the Wishlist this morning.
Thanks for the comments.

2004-10-28, 07:19 PM
I think this leads to discussion of the need for a new tool/view, called Addenda callout. It would allow you to create a new view from and existing view/sheet. Then when you place it on a new addenda sheet, it would fill in or reference back to the original sheet. I could see the callout saying something like "Addendum 1 - Sheet A2.1" which would tell what sheet the original drawing was on.
Interesting idea. How do you see it being implemented? Would changes to the addendum view propagate back through the model or would they be view specific? If the changes propagate then we have to deal with the possibility of other views updating automatically, which could be good or bad. Good - coordination and accuracy (What we like about Revit.) Bad - unforeseen consequences if affected views aren't double-checked & possibility of issuing changed drawings without realizing that the views might have changed. Since the base addendum view is meant to replicate the original view does it need to be parametric or can it be dumb lines that can be freely edited? It's a useful concept that might be a hornet's nest to implement. Other thoughts anyone?

2004-10-28, 07:27 PM
Good point, Robert.

An Addendum should be a frozen copy when created. That way you have a history of what happened if there are multiple revisions. Like the bad old days when we'd have to Bind XRefs into an addendum sheet. That is, IF we could bind the XRefs.

Maybe the "Export a JPG" workaround isn't so bad after all.

Scott D Davis
2004-10-28, 09:02 PM
Maybe the Addenda View creates a view as a JPG on the fly...a 'snapshot' in time....nahh....better idea!

What if the Design Options were used as a basis for a new tool. Design Options show different concepts before the design is finished, now we need a way to manage changes(options) AFTER the design is finished. This could be good, because it would track what the original design was, and then have Options for addendum 1, addn 2, etc......in fact, if an area was changed as an addendum option, I could see that area automatically clouding itself, and add itself to the revision block. It would be a way to track changes.

2004-11-01, 11:25 PM
What if the Design Options were used as a basis for a new tool. .

oooooo... I like that idea.
That way you could have the best of both worlds.

In the mean time...
Here's the procedure I've come up with for a Detail addendum:

Creating an addendum sheet from a Detail:
Go to the Detail View in the Project Browser (for example, sd060)
Right-click & select "Duplicate with Detailing"
The new copy will be named Copy of the old Detail Name (for example, Copy of sd060)
Rename the Copy of... Detail View to the Addendum number (for example, AD1-sd060)

Go to the View pull-down Menu, and select View...New...Sheet
Name Sheet (for example, AD1-A3)
Select appropriate sheet size (BWBR 11x17 Titlesheet.rfa)
Once the Sheet has been created, click on the Sheet Name in the lower left corner & name the Sheet (AD1-A3)
From Project Browser, Drag newly created Detail View (AD1-sd060) onto sheet
Change Viewport to View Title - No Sheet Number
Change the Detail number (5F)
Using Text (3/32" Arial), type in the Sheet Number (569)

The problem I'm having now is that you can use this procedure for the Detail View, and more or less for the Plan views, but I can't figure out any way to Duplicate an Elevation view. At least not with Detailing. The closest I've found is to copy the Elevation Symbol on the plan and create a new Elevation. Trouble is, this only makes another View of the Elevation and doesn't get any of the Annotation.
The other problem with this whole concept is that you need to make changes in BOTH copies of your duplicated views.

2004-11-02, 04:38 AM
Oh for the days of the Ellerbe T-Sheet!
Steve's Design Options idea sounds pretty good, but could you do the same thing using phases? You would make your changes in an Addendum #1 phase and just do callouts from there. It seems like a fairly simple way to create a project time line. The thought of duplicate views just doesn't seem very Revitesque.

2004-11-03, 10:51 PM
Hey Rolly, what's new!

You gonna host the next MNRUGI meeting?

Here's my latest woe with using "Duplicate with Detailing" to do an Addendum sheet:
When you use D with D on a plan sheet, ALL the annotation comes along. Usually, that's a good thing, since you get dimensions & notes, but the problem comes in when you have Callouts and Elevations on the plan you're duplicating. Guess what gets duplicated? Not only the Annotations, but now you've got another copy of the Callout that you need to go delete. That means you have to go find EVERY Callout and EVERY Elevation that was referenced on the plan and delete EVERY "Copy of" detail view. We've got dozens, if not hundreds of Interior Elevations on each floor.

Not pretty...

2004-11-06, 02:08 AM
We're actually doing a real project in revit! It's a large senior living center. So far, so good.
My plate has been pretty full lately. I'm just hoping to make it unitl AU. Then hopefully I can consider it. Perhaps the December meeting.
That's a good one with the addendum sheets. Obviously we're not that far down the road, but as I look a ways ahead, it's definitely a problem we'll have to face.