View Full Version : AutoCAD and Dual Monitor "Challenge"

2009-05-08, 01:27 PM
My office just bought me a new DELL PRECISION M4400, Intel Core(TM)2 Duo @ 2.26GHz, 1.58 GHz, 1.98GB of RAM. with a NVIDIA Quadro FX 770M video card. My display resolution is 1920x1200.

I work with AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009. The software works great when I have two monitors working. Once I switch to one monitor and use AutoCAD (and it could be the external OR laptop monitor) the "challenge" begins. AutoCAD loads up quickly, the drawings (no matter what size) loads fast, panning and zooming is exceptional. As soon as I type in commands or use the ESC key to get out of a command is when AutoCAD bogs down. There is a 10 or so second hang time when I do any typing commands. The coordinates display seem to slow down the moving process when I am moving objects, etc. Yet as soon as I activate the external monitor all is well.

I have reviewed the comments from other discussion groups regarding downloading updated drivers from NVIDIA and running 3dconfig command (my drivers installed are still not certified???).

Does anyone have any REAL solutions? I am tired of the "well, if you stand on one foot and push the TAB key with the left index finger" answers. Sorry to those I just ****** off but if one spends money on an item it should work the way it was meant to be.


2009-05-08, 01:57 PM
Have you tried setting up a second profile or workspace with your left foot in the air and using your right ring finger for your single monitor setup?

2009-05-08, 02:12 PM
no, but tried the left pinky finger up the nose.... keyboard is all goopy now. :lol:

2010-07-06, 11:57 PM
any resolution to this hang time? I am having loads of truoble trying to find a solution to undo something that is causing AutoCAD to freeze after nearly every command line entry. I have tried many suggestions with no luck so far, I can only fix the problem when I unplug the network cable. I have checked the OPTIONS for ACAD and nothing appears to be pointing to an old network name/location or old printers that are no longer on the network. I am running a peer-to-peer connection and Windows XP latest SP... Please help!

2010-07-07, 10:21 AM
download processmonitor from microsoft, and see exactly what's happening at the slowdown.

2010-11-11, 06:32 PM
We ended up DISABLING the hardware acceleration and it seemed to help stop this issue on 'most' systems. I currently have one system that seems to hit a jar of ice-cold molasses when trying to move an xref in the drawing.

Richard McDonald
2010-11-26, 01:47 PM
If its a new laptop what OS is it running? Have your IT back tracked it to XP? if not 2 gb of ram isnt enough especially with C3D. do some looking around on the videocard forums I know the FX series can grab ram if they are allowed, being a laptop is will probably have a slow hard drive so as soon as that is needed then things will go extremly slow.

2010-11-28, 08:52 PM
We had the same problem in drawings with xrefs.
We have turned off dinamic coordinates and cyclic selection in the bottom left corner.
It helped.

2011-02-11, 05:19 PM
Perhaps better late than never. While searching for information about dual monitor issues I came upon this thread. I too have experienced a real slow down of not only Autocad, but also other programs attempting to access files on our server.

The Autocad problem was that of crawling pans and zooms.

Finally, I noticed that my hard drive was experiencing a great deal of activity at, or, about the same time. Why I do not know, but I suspected some form of worm, or viurs that got past Norton. This was my solution. I disabled my network connections one at a time to see if something outside of my computer was doing all the hard drive access, in spite of the latest greatest Norton product running.

I discovered that the 1394 Connection ( I think this is a Fire Wire connection) was not needed. I disabled it and everything is back up to speed. Presently, as I write this message I am running all of the following with no difficulties: Autocad 2010, Photoshop, Quatro Pro, Quickbooks, Word Perfect, Firefox, Thunderbird and my contacts program, ACT.
