View Full Version : Rendering In Revit =P

2009-05-11, 05:47 PM
Any advice on how to get decent renderings from Revit? Am I missing something here? Here is what I'm trying to do -

I have a model that I want a quick render of the 3d view in just the regular old "shaded w/ lines setting". I don't want to go through and attach materials to everything, I just want to be able to rotate to the view I want, hit "render" and go. So I tried using the "screen" setting for resolution and it looked like poo. You couldn't even see anything. It just looked like a bunch of colors all globbed together. If I use the 600dpi setting it looks better, but still not really clear. Am I missing something?

Also, why does my computer keep locking up half way through the render? Any advice on how to improve render performance and output?

2009-05-11, 06:07 PM
When you hit *render* it IS using materials assigned to everything... Whether youve put them on there or not. It ISNT using the shader materials, etc. Just so you know.

Rendering in Revit is pretty simple, but its not immediately perfect. Youll have to get sme materials in there, and get the sun (or lighting) in a decent position. As for getting them out quickly, you can. The dpi is one issue, but the SIZE of the image is another. 600 dpi doesnt matter if the image is only 2"x4". Grab the crop region and look in the "option bar." How large is the image? Theres no "magic DPI" since you can alter both the DPI and the image size. I also set it on Printer, with a DPI (varying between 72 and 250, depending on the image size i use).

Although, id avoid the *Best* setting at all costs. Im yet to see a computer finish a rendering set to BEST without crashing. I normally copy the BEST settings to custom, and dial some of the incident light reflections and bounces back, then go. My single core P4 at home gets out decent looking renderings large enough to fill an 11x17 landscape, in about an hour.

A smaller one, just to look at, shouldnt take long.

2009-05-12, 06:18 PM
Ok, thanks for the tips there. So is there a way to change the size of the image without changing the crop region? I am trying to be sure I have the whole exterior elevation in view, but if the size of the image is too big where do I go from there?

2009-05-12, 07:46 PM
You dont stretch the crop region. In a Camera View, you grab the crop region and click *size crop* in the Modify Camera ribbon. You switch the radio button to SCALE, and then you make the values bigger. It doesnt stretch the view, it just makes the entire view larger.

In an Axon... I suppose you would have to make the scale bigger, so the image is bigger.

I still dont understand where you are at, when you say you dont want to apply materials to everything. But at least the scale thing will make the image a larger size.

2009-05-12, 08:37 PM
Ok, here's a shot of my issue. See the attached image. So, I modeled the building up real quick, just using generic walls and so on. I hit the render button. Set the dpi to 300, used quality setting of "high" and hit render. The image attached is what I get. You can't make out anything, it's just all blob looking. What am I missing?

And, a big thank you for your time helping me with this one. :cool: I really appreciate it.

2009-05-12, 08:50 PM
Wow. That's really messed up. I'd be tempted to reinstall Revit looking at that. Just drawing a couple quick walls, windows, doors, etc... and hitting render with default settings comes out pretty clean every time.

2009-05-12, 08:58 PM
Wow. That's really messed up. . .

I know, huh? But I've had the same result on different machines with different files too. I'm hoping I'm just missing a setting or soemthing.

2009-05-12, 09:19 PM
Yeaaaaaah, something isnt right there.

The attached is from a new project, no template. Drew four walls, placed a roof. Default 3D view (axon), turned on the Shell, and upped the scale to 1/4"=1'-0". Setting on Medium, 150 DPI. Took like, 10 seconds, lol...

2009-05-12, 09:43 PM
The attached is from a new project, no template. Drew four walls, placed a roof.

That's a pretty nice design. I see an Arch. Record magazine cover in your future...

2009-05-12, 10:02 PM
Uhhhhhhh, sorry. LOL. I was just demonstrating for the gentleman that something is obviously wrong with the configuration or the program or the hardware, because he shouldnt be getting the results hes getting, regardless of how simple what he puts in the model is.

Ill bust out something nicer next time ;)