View Full Version : 2010 Slowing Down?

2009-05-12, 07:39 PM
I have noticed that after several hours of use the program gets a little molasses-y. Like panning takes a few seconds to regen. The past few days I've closed Rvt & re-opened & it's all refreshed. Needs that little bit of time out, maybe.

Intel i7 965; 12 Gb; Nvidia FX580; Vista 64

Anyone else notice this?

2009-05-12, 07:44 PM
Yes, I saw this just today for the first time.

I may have imagined it but I think I've read something in a Revit document about when doing lots of editing to occasionally shut down and restarting a project to allow Revit to tidy up it's internals (it is a database after all).

I'd spent several hours doing lots of editing on a small-ish but complicated project when the slowdown kicked in - shutting down Revit and restarting put everything back to normal.

2009-05-12, 07:51 PM
The behavior is typical of a memory leak in the application or in the video processing calls. To isolate which, you should try turning on or off Direct3D under options and graphics to see whether it still happens. I believe turning it off makes it resort to a HEIDI driver.

2009-05-12, 08:01 PM
Yeah, memory leak within the program. I restart Revit during the lunch hour everyday and I don't have any problems.

2009-05-12, 08:07 PM
maybe SP1 will have memory diapers.

2009-05-12, 09:54 PM
diapers? Nice laugh.

2009-05-13, 11:08 AM
The behavior is typical of a memory leak in the application or in the video processing calls. To isolate which, you should try turning on or off Direct3D under options and graphics to see whether it still happens. I believe turning it off makes it resort to a HEIDI driver.

OK, interesting.
I have been seeing a slow down in performance inside the family editor particularly, a steady decline in speed, then usually a crash.
I must point out that this is with, or without 3D Direct On or OFF and when in the project environment, with shadows ON or OFF, does not seem to make a difference to the progress slowing, or the rate or number of crashes although, after uninstalling the web download then installing the factory DVD installation, crashes have dropped in number to around 30-40 minutes apart(errr, from about 15 minutes !!!).
Unusable really at this stage

2009-05-13, 01:09 PM
Now that you mention it, I DID have a crash when many docs were open, but certainly not more docs than I've had open during a Revit 09 worksession.

2009-05-13, 06:47 PM
Minimize the program, wait a couple seconds, and then maximize the program. It will dump the memory and start fresh again just doing that. For example, when opening a file and going through the update process, I have 500 MB being used by the program on one file, I minimize it and it drops to 28 MB, maximize again it's a 56 MB, 3D orbit to load the data back into memory for faster refresh rates it's at 160 MB.

2009-05-13, 07:04 PM
Minimizing didn't do anything here. I started w/ 1.03 Gb in use by Rvt with a project open since early this AM, same while minimized. I just closed the project & Rvt, now back at open screen memory is at 2.77 Mb. Opening the same project jumps mem to 4.3 Mb.

So, only closing & re-starting Rvt works for me.

2009-05-13, 07:26 PM
I'm on XP, you're on Vista. That might be the difference.

2009-05-13, 07:46 PM
Vista is a memory piggy.

Exar Kun
2009-05-14, 04:44 AM
Minimize the program, wait a couple seconds, and then maximize the program. It will dump the memory and start fresh again just doing that. For example, when opening a file and going through the update process, I have 500 MB being used by the program on one file, I minimize it and it drops to 28 MB, maximize again it's a 56 MB, 3D orbit to load the data back into memory for faster refresh rates it's at 160 MB.

Wow, you're right! I've been fighting with this since we went to 2010 and have been shutting down and restarting to address it.

2009-05-14, 11:39 AM
Could you send your journal from the molasses-y (I like this word ;-) ) session to Revit support? You could also look at it with any text editor and see if the memory related printouts show increased usage towards the end.

Thanks, and sorry for your troubles.


2009-05-14, 04:06 PM
Minimize the program, wait a couple seconds, and then maximize the program. It will dump the memory and start fresh again just doing that. For example, when opening a file and going through the update process, I have 500 MB being used by the program on one file, I minimize it and it drops to 28 MB, maximize again it's a 56 MB, 3D orbit to load the data back into memory for faster refresh rates it's at 160 MB.

I tried this and it turns out that Windows XP dumps the memory from ram to the swap file. You have to watch the commit charge/ PF usage or the actual VM Size (task manager- view - select columns to turn on) rather than just the Mem Usage in task manager. In the short term this will speed up the computer as the memory leak fault, which is basically unused, is now using the swap file which leaves the faster ram open for new/ active usage.

Ultimately this will lead to the same crashing issues when you run out of swap file....

This is actually and old old school windows memory management technique. I assume that they fixed this in Vista which is why you don't see it.


2009-05-14, 05:15 PM
Could you send your journal from the molasses-y (I like this word ;-) ) session to Revit support? You could also look at it with any text editor and see if the memory related printouts show increased usage towards the end.

Thanks, and sorry for your troubles.


Thanks for the heads up - I'm sending it right now.

2009-05-14, 08:17 PM
I tried this and it turns out that Windows XP dumps the memory from ram to the swap file.

You're right, but it won't slow down performance, since the leaked memory that it is holding in the PF is not being addressed anymore. Anything that is, is being stored on RAM. You will hit the limit eventually with the swap space though (same problem), but the swap space should be 2 times your RAM size. You could also run a good memory scrubber, that will activate upon reaching a certain limit. Good ones run while idle, never run it or have one that autoruns while the computer is processing a lot, like rendering.

In Vista, you can use Readyboost. Put a fast enough flash drive in and enable Readyboost and it will use your flash drive as added RAM space. This is much faster than a paging file, unless you have a Solid State HD.

2009-05-14, 09:31 PM
I bet this is because direct x is software driven so now its storing graphics data. that would make sense then that minimizing, clears out the graphics data.

2009-05-14, 10:38 PM
I bet this is because direct x is software driven so now its storing graphics data. that would make sense then that minimizing, clears out the graphics data.

This happens in 2009 also. After working on large files for a while the computer starts to slow down. After I minimize the Revit window the Ram clears up and things are faster again.

It seems like Revit has had somewhat of a memory leak for quite a while. In some ways Autodesk acknowledges this in the Revit Platform 2009 - Technical Note from last year: "...as a consequence of extended model manipulation Revit platform performance may benefit from an application restart once or twice a day,..."


Wes Macaulay
2009-05-14, 10:56 PM
I am closing down and reopening Revit every couple of hours. I didn't have to do this in 2009... if I don't, zooms and pans get really slow. The software hangs for a moment, then pans/zooms...

Has anyone submitted a SR for this?

PS: I have now. Others should do likewise.

Kevin Janik
2009-07-31, 07:24 PM
I am closing down and reopening Revit every couple of hours. I didn't have to do this in 2009... if I don't, zooms and pans get really slow. The software hangs for a moment, then pans/zooms...

PS: I have now. Others should do likewise.

Is the above still happening with the Classic UI instead of the Ribbon?
