View Full Version : Cannot open 6.1 project in 7.0

Steve Cashman
2004-10-28, 08:49 PM
We're trying to open up a 6.1 project in 7.0 and get this message:
"A serious error has occurred. It is strongly recommended that you use Save As to save your work in a new file before continuing."

Unfortunately, it doesn't give us the option of a "Save As" and ends with a "Load Failed" error dialog.

Any ideas? We're excited to move our current projects to 7, but can't.

2004-10-28, 09:05 PM
I'd give support a try with this one.

2004-10-29, 12:26 PM
Do a save as when you get out of the dialog. Or, take a risk and keep working. I've kept working through some of those errors and never (yet, knock on wood) had it come back to bite me.

Steve Cashman
2004-10-29, 12:31 PM

Thanks for the idea, but that's the rub - there is no "Save As" button available and Revit does not open the file.

This is very disconcerting to me when I think of the legacy Revit projects we have. If we had to go back to a previous project and couldn't open it, we would be screwed. This is the first time in a Revit upgrade (5 to 6 to 7) for us where this had happened, but it's the thing we always dread.

I send the project file to Revit support and I'm hoping they can figure it out. If not, we'll have to take a backup and continue on with Revit 6.1 (which I don't want to do).

I'm hoping for a breakthrough today. We'll see...

2004-11-01, 05:43 PM
I have gotten the same thing on 2 projects, but not when first opening a 6.1 project in 7.0, only after working in 7.0 for awhile. When I get the message to save, it defaults to save it under the same name with "(Recovery)" concatenated to the end of the file name. Our problem seems to begin after opening a sheet with a titleblock, or trying to create a new sheet. On that first project, I ended up creating a new project from scratch and cutting & pasting the data into the new project. (Using the old AutoCAD methodology, but it gets much messier in Revit to try that, especially since levels and certain other data doesn't just "paste" into the new project! :banghead:

On my second project to do this, I was able to save as a recovery file, but I keep getting the same error when I try to open a sheet view. I ended up just plotting from individual views today so I could get my drawings to the contractor, since this is a project that is completed in CD's, and is in the CA phase. I submitted a support request, and hope that they will get back to me with a solution easier than the cut & paste, which isn't possible on this one!!!!

Good luck to you with your problem.

Has anyone else out there been working in 7.0 enough with 6.1 projects to pull up sheets successfully without this problem? I actually worked for almost a week, and was able to plot sheets a day or two ago without the error, but I don't know what changed.

2004-11-01, 08:12 PM
I noticed all my title blocks had disappeared in my drawings so I tried reloading the title blocks in the central file. It seemed to have eliminated the crash and burn, :veryevil: so far..................

Steve Cashman
2004-11-01, 10:54 PM
I think we had a breakthrough on our 6.1 project that kept crashing. We did a purge unused on the 6.1 project and some warnings appeared regarding doors. As a test to see if those were the problems in upgrading the file, we deleted all of the suspect doors. We were then able to load the drawing.

We went back in the 6.1 file and fixed each warning even though these were categorized as bad warnings. There were about 30 instances of doors that had the same type mark (we were using it for door type - i.e., flush door, half-glass door, etc.). After changing these doors to eliminate the warnings, we were able to open the file in 7.0 without the "serious error" message.

We'll test it a bit more in 7.0 and hope that was the problem.

2004-11-01, 11:11 PM
I got my hopes up after the last two posts, but no dice. I tried the reloading in the Central File (I had already tried reloading the title block in my local file), and I tried the Purge All Unused, and neither produced any results.
:banghead: :banghead:

2004-11-01, 11:20 PM
Try opening the file and then saving it as a central file with a different name first. Eliminates any ties to the old backup files. Then try all the other stuff. Good luck. Its been a lot of trial and error over the past few days.

2004-11-01, 11:40 PM
I've updated two projects sucessfully by doing this:
1. Copy the central & the links into a new folder, or copy them and then give them new names.
2. Open the links & resave as Revit 7.
3. Open the Central, and do a save-as right over the top of itself with the 'make this the central file' under options checked.

So far, so good. (keeping fingers crossed).

2004-11-02, 01:56 AM
I've updated two projects sucessfully by doing this:
1. Copy the central & the links into a new folder, or copy them and then give them new names.
2. Open the links & resave as Revit 7.
3. Open the Central, and do a save-as right over the top of itself with the 'make this the central file' under options checked.

So far, so good. (keeping fingers crossed).

That is the procedure we have always used, cause if you don't update the links first revit has "update" them everytime that host file is loaded weather you saved it in the later version or not. No sense having to sit through the update everytime for nothing.
