View Full Version : Can't add Items to QAT

2009-05-14, 07:47 PM
Anyone else notice that you can't add commands to the QAT if the command is in a drop-down menu? Am I missing something?

I've attached an example. I can add Cut, but not Uncut... Ditto for anything else in a drop-down.

Actually neither of them can be added when you're in the drop-down menu. You have to do it in the ribbon without the drop-down expanded.

2009-05-14, 09:27 PM
I don't have answer for that, but would like to add to the QAT question:

I would like the switch views icon to appear in families - all the time - but it only seems to apply to the specific file that I am working on. Which means I would have to apply that each time i open a new family; defeating the purpose. Is there something that I am missing?

2009-05-14, 09:51 PM
I don't have answer for that, but would like to add to the QAT question:

I would like the switch views icon to appear in families - all the time - but it only seems to apply to the specific file that I am working on. Which means I would have to apply that each time i open a new family; defeating the purpose. Is there something that I am missing?

I noticed that too. You have to add the switch windows icon while in a family and while in a project and then it will show up in both. Unless you are saying you're adding it and it's not coming back, which in that case I would delete the UIState.dat file, which might be corrupt, located here by default: C:\Documents and Settings\*userprofile*\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010

As far as adding items in a drop-down, you can't right now. I know the information is stored in the UIState.dat file but is encoded and you have to have a definition file to decode it. I don't believe it's open in API. You create the icon that will be used up there for add-ins, but I don't think you can force a button to display, since there would be two differing locations of information then (what you're telling it, and what the UIState file says).

2009-05-15, 03:41 PM
[quote=jspartz;974554]I noticed that too. You have to add the switch windows icon while in a family and while in a project and then it will show up in both. Unless you are saying you're adding it and it's not coming back, which in that case I would delete the UIState.dat file, which might be corrupt, located here by default: C:\Documents and Settings\*userprofile*\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010

That is what I am saying. Intially, it seemed that it was something set in each individual family. Although, it appears to "stick" now. I first tested this upon intial install - pre-driver(s) update - and was experiencing crashing. My guess is it was not sticking due to the crashing. I now see that each family I open, it has the QAT as I would like.

2009-05-15, 04:25 PM
Your guess is correct. The changes to the UI are saved to the UIState file upon exiting the program. If it crashes, the settings are never saved.