View Full Version : Error msg: Can't make type

2004-10-29, 05:54 AM
I want inserting an SHS column (R6.1) into a drawing (R7.0)and got this error msg, does anyone know what it means, I got a similar msg earlier today after I edited a door family and revit woudn't use it.

Kim Heaver

Mr Spot
2004-10-29, 06:29 AM
Sounds like the family has some issues. Might be an idea to open the family and have a look at it and try flexing it. Should soon discover the culprit...

2004-10-29, 08:22 AM

I have that family also. I don't know if you've customized it, but I was able to load it into a blank 7.0 project without a problem.

Upon looking at the family file, there are some issues with RP's that are not properly constrained, but that doesn't appear to be a critical problem, in terms of causing the error that you saw.

Sorry, can't say much more than that at the moment.

2004-10-30, 04:49 AM
I re-started Revit and it worked fine, so who knows?

I have an annoyance with these columns that you may know something about, when I insert them they always seem to go with the bottom at site level with the top at floor level and they aren't visible in the floor plan until I edit the properties to change the levels.
Is is possible to edit the family to change the default levels or that something I need to do when inserting.


2004-10-30, 07:08 AM
All structural columns are set-up to do that. Engineers like to view the structure from above, not below,- like we sensible architects.

You can edit the families to appear the way you want when inserted in a project.

I re-started Revit and it worked fine, so who knows?

I have an annoyance with these columns that you may know something about, when I insert them they always seem to go with the bottom at site level with the top at floor level and they aren't visible in the floor plan until I edit the properties to change the levels.
Is is possible to edit the family to change the default levels or that something I need to do when inserting.


2004-11-01, 05:58 AM
You can edit the families to appear the way you want when inserted in a project.

Hi Beegee,

I've opened the SHS column from 7.0, I can see the reference planes,
upper ref level 2500
lower ref level 0

I'm not really sure how these relate to the inserted levels, what would I need to change for it to come in on the current level with either with a nominated height or to a level.

Kim Heaver

Mr Spot
2004-11-01, 06:15 AM
Check the reference plane properties and see which "defines origin". I believe it will be the upper reference plane, change it to the lower one by selecting it and ticking defines origin