View Full Version : walls won't join, or are separate for some reason??

2009-05-20, 06:22 PM
I am building a model of an existing structure for renovation and rehab purposes using Revit architecture 2009.

THe exterior walls are Brick with stud, but some of my walls won't join together (not sure if that is the correct terminology). Some wall connections are seamless and some corners show a defenite partition were one wall joins another? I tried the join geometry function, tried to manipulate the wall length but nothing works.

Any Ideas?

Thanks. Oh I'm a civil engineer, not an architect and this is for my personal renovation...

2009-05-20, 08:11 PM
Any chance you could post a screenshot of what isn't going right?

If you are doing renovation do you have walls in different phases (I get this all the time with part demolishing walls in existing phase and adding bits of walls in new construction phase)?

Sometimes having different base or top levels on meeting walls can inhibit correct corner joins.

Have you come across the 'Wall Joins' tool?
This allows you to click a wall join and cycle through the automatic clean-up options.
If you want rid of a vertical line in elevation at a wall join you can choose the 'mitre' option which sometimes helps on simple junctions.

If all else fails, click the wall(s), right click the blue dot at the troublesome end and choose 'Disallow Join' which prevents automatic joining.

2009-05-20, 08:12 PM
1. Is there a tiny little blue "T" at the end of any of the walls? If so just click on it and the walls will join.
2. Are the walls different heights?
3. If you have disimilar finishes, like trying to join cmu to gypsum board they will not join w/o a line.

2009-05-20, 08:35 PM
Here is a screen shot. I checked the heights and constraints but they all seem to be identical. I will check them again...

Thanks for the info..


2009-05-20, 08:42 PM
Oh.. I got it. Bearing type was different. One was non-bearing and the other was bearing.

Thanks for the info guys.


2009-05-20, 08:44 PM
I've had that happen if one wall is structural and the other isn't.

(that will teach me to type faster)

2009-05-20, 08:47 PM
Good deal.

2009-09-11, 06:06 PM
1. Is there a tiny little blue "T" at the end of any of the walls? If so just click on it and the walls will join.
2. Are the walls different heights?
3. If you have disimilar finishes, like trying to join cmu to gypsum board they will not join w/o a line.

I have two completely different walls, one is a 12" concrete wall and the other is 3 5/8" stud with plywood and gyp board, and they are not connecting at all. I have other walls within my building that are different types and are connecting just fine, is there something I'm doing wrong with this wall compared to the others?