View Full Version : about wall joint

2009-05-22, 06:32 PM
in my revit model, there is a curve wall join with a straight wall.
i do not know why there is hole created when i put them together.
see attachs

Andre Carvalho
2009-05-22, 06:36 PM
Try selecting the wall, right click on it and select Disallow Join. Do this for each wall there. Then use the Join geometry tool to manually make them join.

Andre Carvalho

2009-05-22, 06:50 PM
it works. thank you.
now i have another question.
i have 2 wall in the same direction, the exterior should join together without line between them.
but i failed. why. see attaches

Andre Carvalho
2009-05-23, 02:07 AM
Have you tried using the same tip as above (manually joining)?

Andre Carvalho

2009-05-26, 01:05 PM
i tried as you said, but it does not work this time.

2009-05-27, 07:19 AM
Are there any error messge warnings when you select the walls in question. If so, fix them up and try the above againn.


2009-05-28, 07:19 PM
no, there is no warnings.