View Full Version : Electronic graphics / drawning tablets

The Monk
2009-05-23, 07:24 PM
When I first started using AutoDESK software (AutoCAD) it required the use of a graphics tablet and a puck ... now todays mouse. Recently, I have learning a new software program which can take advantage of the electronic drawing tablets made today. Wacom keeps coming up. From the price of their tablets I would think that has something to do with it. I know manufactures for autos and aircraft have been using electronic drawing boards for years now.

Have any of you out there used are using a drawing tablet with Revit? If so, what one; do you like; does the tablet work well with the software; and would you choose to use the same tablet if give the choice over again?

I know there is a good possibility no one has done this or Revit does not support the use of an electronic tablet. Skimming over the AutoDESK web site I could not find anything at the moment.

As always, thanks for your help,


2009-05-23, 08:43 PM
Hi John,

I have been using the Wacom Bamboo for a bit over a year now & love it. There are a number good threads in the hardware forum. Have a look at: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=2745 to start off with.



2009-05-24, 04:28 AM
I have tried Revit on a tablet PC as an experiment. Worked ok, within the machines performance limitations, but the Revit 9 UX was nasty with a pen.
Haven't used 2010 but suspect it would be better. I base that on experience with Autodesk Design Review where the new ribobn UX is much better on a tablet. The way the ribbon exposes controls, vs flyouts/menus, suits the pen.

2009-05-26, 04:21 PM
My boss has been using a Wacom Cintiq 21" touch screen for several years now with Revit. Since he's still using it I'm assuming he likes it pretty well. :)