View Full Version : Ramp(age)

2003-09-02, 06:01 PM
Anyone have any luck modeling a radial ramp?
I'm drawing a true "U' shape, and I keep getting a "can't model surface" error.

Ramp is 4' wide, radii is 1'3 inside, 5'3 outside, legs are long....
seems like no biggy, but it won't let me model the radius. Square corners are fine though.


2003-09-03, 12:41 AM

I have a tutorial on creating curved ramps if thats any help to you.
Its too large to post here, but I could email it in word or pdf.

In a nutshell, its done using profiles and the curved stair tool. A handrail profile is used to create half the ramp when swept.

I'm assuming that the curved end of the U shape is ramped. If not, you would just create the end as a separate slab level of course.

2003-09-03, 02:04 PM
Thanks beegee :)

I'm driving to meet the refered to client in a few moments:
I'm going to be seeing if the ramp is even in the scope of work now.
It will be in one form or another as it is a residence for a severely handicapped fellow, and the site plan requires traversing a small grade.
But I may be experiencing a change order in the area where the ramp is required. Will let you know and go from there. And yes, the u shaped area of the ramp is sloped. The whole thing runs about 70 feet, at 1/2" rise (drop) per foot.

Thanks beegee! (to the rescue again)

2003-09-04, 01:55 PM

We're going to install a vertical lift in leau of the ramp :)
I'll take a rain check on your offer.

Thank You