View Full Version : Floor fill patterns showing through components

2004-10-29, 06:47 PM
I'm finding that model patterns applied to floors show through many components. Is there a way to set the pattern behind these components...

...while I'm thinking about it...handrails on stair do the same by showing treads through the rail.

Any suggestions?

Allen Lacy
2004-10-29, 07:12 PM
There are several options. The families have symbolic lines that are the plan representations and the model is set not to be visible in plan. 1)You can alter the family to have model parts visible in plan view. 2)You can use a filled region within the project (not the family). 3)You can create a detail component using a filled region and nest it in the family to to be the opaque element.

2004-10-29, 10:26 PM
Never though about the visibility feature...makes sense..

Thanks Al

2004-10-30, 03:41 AM
Check out an old post of mine about ultra lightweight 3D families.....