View Full Version : HELP...RAC2010: Windows Render Opaque

2009-06-02, 06:15 AM
I really need some help on this...

I'm running RAC2010 - and my glazing (both panels and simple windows) is all coming up opaque. I've managed to turn it down to very lightly translucent - but it's still not clear enough (see the attached).

I've created another test building with glazing - also in RAC2010 - on the same laptop - and the glazing there is fine - so obviously I've done something to the settings in my project buildings file.

Could anyone suggest ways that I can methodically change the settings back to something that will provide transparent glazing on rendering? Or, is there a way to force the settings back to the default?


Scott Womack
2009-06-02, 10:17 AM
I'm not sure how to reset the materials back to a default setting. Under the Rendering settings of the materials, the materials needs to be set to "Glazing" and it should have Glazing properties below the scene default. This should provide the transparancy you are looking for. If it does not, then it means you've redefined this material in some fashion, and it needs "reset". You'd need to start a new project, and transfer project standards - materials to over-write them. The only trick here is to either manually delete all but the glass materials in this project, or let it over-write all of the materials you might have customized, without duplicating a material and renaming it.

PS - It feels good to finally have hit the 1000 post mark.

cliff collins
2009-06-02, 01:01 PM
Select a typical window. Highlight it and click Edit Family.
Open the Family, and check the glass material. Browse
to the material which is in use, and make a note of the specific
name ( like "glass-clear" , or whatever it is named.)

Close the family, don't need to save or reload into the project.

In the project, go to Manage>Materials.

Select Glazing-Clear, or whatever glass you would like to use.
The idea is to put a Material Parameter in the Family, and then
load into the project. Then, assign the actual glass material
that exists in the project ( not the one in the Family )

Now, go to Render Appearance of the glass material which has been assigned.
Check reflectivity/transparency settings, and try adjusting these and then do a quick
"region render" of a small area of glass, on low setting, to see how the new settings
affect the opacity of the glass.

Sometimes a "solid glass" material is used, which I think acts like spandrel glass,
which could be why yours is reading as opaque? If so, change it to something else,
like "glass-clear".

Does this help?
