View Full Version : Keyboard Shortcut Highway for Revit 7.0

Marek Brandstatter
2004-10-30, 12:34 PM
Here is Cadplan's updated Keyboard Shortcut Highway for download. It also works for earlier versions - from 5.1


Henry D
2004-10-30, 02:27 PM
Thanks Marek! I've been hoping you would post an updated version.

Scott Hopkins
2004-10-30, 09:02 PM
Thanks again Marek - It's a very useful program - I Appreciate it!

2004-11-18, 03:59 PM
I thought you should know that "Seperation" in the command (Menu:"Drafting-Room Seperation") is misspelled in your program. I troubled over why my Revit menu would not update to the newly assigned key after modifying it in Shortcut Highway until I discovered the culprit. It was no problem to manually modify the .txt file but I was scratching my head for some time.
For an old CAD jockey, this program is brilliant for those of us who still work more efficiently with one hand on the keyboard and the other controlling the mouse. Thanks

Thomas Cummings
2004-11-18, 04:30 PM
Pardon my ignorance but how is this program used/set up with Revit?


2004-11-18, 07:29 PM
Familiar with AutoCad Express Tools "Alias Editor" and the acad.pgp file? If you are than Shortcut Highway is quite similar with the exception that you cannot envoke it directly from within Revit and have instantaneous keyboard shortcuts. If you're not familiar with Alias Editor then the skinny on Shortcut Highway is much like this: the program opens the keyboardshortcuts.txt file and gives you a much nicer environment to edit keyboard shortcuts within. Otherwise you must directly open the .txt file and manually edit it as you please.

2004-11-22, 10:59 AM
The anomaly caused by the incorrect spelling of the word "Separation" has been rectified in the latest version of Shortcut Highway, which can be downloaded from :

2004-11-22, 03:33 PM
Totally cool gift utility.

Thanks to Marek and Shaun, Cadplan.


2004-12-16, 12:19 PM
Heads up!...FILE menu list is missing "Manage Links" for which I like to use "ML"

Also, using the File>NEW option I'm not able to use SaveAs and it doesn't appear to save either.

2004-12-17, 04:34 PM
Item 3: Syntax for settings-units has changed and isn't in RSH yet.

"Settings-Project Units"


2005-01-10, 06:00 PM
hi There

i just downloaded the "Keyboard Shortcut Highway for Revit 7.0"


it appears to be ONLY alpha-character based aliases
i use a numeric key alias for all of my autocad commands

can This KSH4R7.0 be set up with numerical aliases????


(defun c:00 () (progn (command nil nil nil)(command ".save" "" "y") (princ)))

(defun c:10 () (command "'pan") (princ))
(defun c:11 () (command ".zoom" "w") (princ))
(defun c:12 () (command ".zoom" ".95x") (princ))
(defun c:13 () (command ".zoom" ".5x") (princ))

etc etc i got about 300-400 of These memorized by now


about 16 years ago i learned to use a mouse LEFT HANDED
so THAT i can write down all the contradictory INFORMATION

That my bosses were giving me, and still work at the same Time

i am right HANDED tho but the numercial aliases are SOOOO FASSST
just wondering, we are Thinking about getting Revit 7.0 here at the office

the numerical aliases are in CATEGORYs separated by FUNCTION
and can be customized easily and grouped, modified rather easily

etc etc

Thanks in advance


Scott Hopkins
2005-01-11, 01:42 AM
hi There

i just downloaded the "Keyboard Shortcut Highway for Revit 7.0"


it appears to be ONLY alpha-character based aliases
i use a numeric key alias for all of my autocad commands

can This KSH4R7.0 be set up with numerical aliases????

I also use a lot of numeric key shortcuts. This would be a very welcome addition.

J. Grouchy
2005-01-12, 03:04 PM
Is there a reliable link for this? The ones above either give me an error message or the download stalls out.
Call me picky, but I see no reason why this can't be an integral part of Revit. It really is silly to have to download a separate utility for something so basic. Some things can and should be add-ons or 3rd party programs...but this ain't one of 'em.

2005-01-17, 07:27 AM
A new version of Shortcut Highway is available at http://www.cadplan.co.za/downloads/RevitSH7.exe

This version includes the, previously missing, "File-Manage Links" and "Settings-Project Units" menu items.

And about shortcuts containing numbers : Yes, they are supported.

Michael Coviello
2005-04-06, 09:46 PM
I keep getting an run-time error "ActiveX component can't create object" error when trying to start the program?

2005-04-07, 09:14 AM
Arrrggghhh! Can't get into the site!! has it crashed? I keep getting "Page cannot be displayed" error??

or can someone post it here? Please

Michael Coviello
2005-05-05, 10:11 PM
For some reason; i get an activex error when trying to launch the app. I know i'm in the minority but this email i got from the Shaun Kapot might help someone who's having the same problem.

Win2K Pro w/SP4 should be more than adequate.
However, it may be that some Windows operating system dll’s, may have been inadvertently corrupted ,removed or replaced.

We do however, have plans to upgrade Revit Shortcut Highway within the next couple of months, and thereby remove any dependancy it may have on potentially unstable elements of the Windows operating system.

Mr Spot
2005-05-25, 06:14 AM
Just noticed that the syntax & spacing is incorrect for the DWG import and export. The program sets these up with no spaces between DWG,DGN, etc whereas there should be a space.