View Full Version : Drawing Area background colour

2009-06-04, 07:39 AM
For the life of me, I can't find it in 2010 .I KNOW it can be done. It was easily located in previous verions....SO where do I go to change the background colour in the Drawing Area?
In previous versions it was under "SETTINGS / OPTIONS / GRAPHICS". But now where is it?

2009-06-04, 07:55 AM
OK...found it!
Why oh why were the paths to commands changed?!? I can understand changing the interface to the Ribbon, but couldn't the LOGIC as to the locations for everything be left as it was? To me that's like the users of keyboards getting used to the arrangement of what letter keys are where and then re-arranging them - you know that letter is there somewhere...*shrugs and heavy sighs*

2009-06-04, 04:40 PM
but couldn't the LOGIC as to the locations for everything be left as it was? To me that's like the users of keyboards getting used to the arrangement of what letter keys are where and then re-arranging them - you know that letter is there somewhere...*shrugs and heavy sighs*

Oh, but they improved the LOGIC! Everything in prior releases of Revit was out-moded, stale, passé... All modifications are superior by the very nature of being new and different. Don't question, just accept.

2009-06-05, 02:18 PM
You will be assimilated! BWAAHHH HHHAAA HHHAAAA HHHHAAAA!!!:veryevil:

It is funny how many people have told me they like these new things in 2010 only to find out that they were in 2009 and before but they just did not see them.