View Full Version : Transition of Regions in Corridor - How does it works?

2009-06-09, 06:13 PM
I am trying to create a corridor with two assemblies (see Assemblies.JPG).

In Method 1, I created one corrdior & had two regions for each assemblies (see Method 1.JPG). Then I viewd the resulting corridor in realistic view (after assigning some render material), but the corridor is messed up while transitioning from one assembly to another (see Method 1 3D View .JPG)

In Method 2, I created two corridors each having one region with the correspnding assemblies. The resulting 3D view is perfect (see Method 2 3D View .JPG).

So what is the deal here? How does the transition from one assembly to another works in the same corrdior? Do I have to create multiple corridors whenever I have a change in my typical section?

2009-06-09, 07:08 PM
The corridor wants the code links to be balanced between subassemblies, so it matches them up either Inwards or Outwards depending if the settings in the corridor properties. To get the codes not to link create an Assembly with no subassemblies and add it between the two. This way the corridor won't link the codes between the two.

2009-06-09, 10:00 PM
Thanks Chris !!!!!! You are a life saver.....