View Full Version : Project Elevations

2009-06-15, 08:59 PM
I have searched AUGI and can not find the answer to my question.

I have a toposurface linked to my building file and I am using shared coordinates in Revit 2010.
We usually place the main floor level at a project level of 100'-0" the shared level is equal to the real elevation that we set the plan at. The problem I have now is that I want to set my lower level at the project level of 100'-0" but still keep the same shared level number at my main level.

In hopes of making my question more clear here is another example:

What I have:
Main Level=100'-0" (7000'-0" shared)
Lower Level=90'-0" (6990'-0" shared)

What I want:
Main Level=110'-0" (7000'-0" shared)
Lower Level=100'-0" (6990'-0" shared)


2009-06-15, 10:30 PM
For something like that, you may want to try the "Relocate Project" option under "Tools>Project Position/Orientation". you can update the shared the locations there as well as move the whole project to a new location, without throwing off anything.

2009-06-17, 03:33 PM
I have used relocated project but that only changes my shared elevations. This is what I ended up doing.

I dimensioned and locked all my levels and then I moved the model up 10'-0". Then I relocated my project back down 10'-0". The problem with this is that my wall sections have 2-D components over the model. So doing the above moved all the model items but all the 2-D components did not move so I had to go in and move them separately, huge pain in the you know what.

2009-06-17, 03:43 PM
100' is your "project" elevation. 7000' is your real-world "shared" elevation. To change project elevation, you have to actually move the model objects. There's really no way around it.

I've been working with separate linked building/site models lately. What I would have done is move the model up 10 ft. Save and close. Open the site model, which (hopefully) has the building model linked in. It should show up 10' higher. Move the building model link back down 10 feet. Save and close.

Now open your building model again, and your elevations should be correct, both project and shared.