View Full Version : Block Insertion Point is random

2009-06-17, 12:53 PM
I recently created an attribute block that was inserting just fine in the drawing, then suddenly, after about 100 insertions, started inserting at random points in the drawing. Even though I specified an exact insertion point when I created the block, It seems that every once in a while, I insert the block at the cursor cross-hairs and it winds up somewhere ELSE in the drawing. And not just somewhere, but 2000 to 3000 feet away from where I originally place the cross-hairs.
I put the UCS on World and made sure the 3D view was “top”, but I am still having the problem, and it appears random. It seems that if I exit the drawing and go back that things return to ‘normal,' but only for a limited period of time. OSNAP was off during block insertion so it wasn't snapping to anything. I'm working in model space. Did an Audit and no errors discovered.

2009-06-17, 01:54 PM
Congrats on the first post and welcome to AUGI! Can you give a little more information, like what version of AutoCAD are you using. Is the block a 3D block? Are the units the same in the block definition as the drawing? You said when created the block you specified an exact insertion point and then are trying to insert by picking a point on screen, is that accurate?

2009-06-17, 08:00 PM
are you dragging it off a tool palette?

2009-06-18, 03:52 PM
I'm running AutoCAD 2008.
The block is not 3D.
It is a simple block with two attributes, one for a Room Number and another for the Square Footage of a room.
The block was created in the same drawing file in which it is being inserted, units in the drawing are set to Architectural as they always were.
During block creation, I specified an exact insertion point in the lower left corner of the two attributes, only a few inces away from the attributes which are 2'-6" high text.
I insert each block on a floor plan, picking a point using the mouse so the number is roughly in the center of the room.
The UCS is set to World.
After the problem happened, I noticed the UCS was set to "TOP". When I switched back to World, some items on the drawings appeared way to the right of where they originally were. More interesting is that after I saved, exitied, and reopened the drawing, the objects way to the left were no longer there, and the UCS was still on World.

2009-06-20, 02:51 PM
Are you using multi-line attributes? If not are they justified using the newer justifications (e.g. Top-Left, Midle-Centre, etc.) try changing them to the older type of justifications (E.g. Left, Centre, Midle, etc.)

2009-06-24, 09:43 PM
I'm starting to think there is some kind of bug. The problem usually crops up if I execute the Insert command and then cancel it in the middle of entering the prompted attribute text. It also sometimes occurrs when doing a wheel-mouse zoom during execution of the Insert command, or if an AutoCAD text window is moved during execution of th Insert command.
Funny thing is that if I save the file, exit out of it, and then reopen it, everything is back to normal. Also the UCS goes back to World.
So I just spent days on a project where I needed to exit and reopen the file several times yet the final project seems ok. There were just a few random insertions that were missed which then had to be deleted.