View Full Version : View Type Operation Inverted?

2009-06-17, 05:04 PM
When does a Wireframe View appear like a Shaded View and a Shaded View like a Wireframe View?

This has me perplexed. I've attached screen captures of each showing the view selection in the tool bar at the bottom of the view screen.

I've checked the roof material selections, visibility settings in both overrides and visibility / graphics and everthing points to the roof appearance as being opaque in a shaded view.
At first we thought this might have been related to a memory problem but we ran through the shut down / reboot operation and we are still getting the same results.

The roof enclosing the building envelope is in an option but the porch roof is in the main model, both appear to have the same behaviour. Also the Mechanical registers show through regardless of the view setting. I'm not sure what to look for next.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Andre Carvalho
2009-06-17, 05:25 PM
Have you tried playing with your view range? Sometimes when the cut plane or top of view are set to high your view goes crazy.

If they are too high, try setting them closer to the roof top.

Andre Carvalho

2009-06-17, 06:58 PM
Andre, Thanks that appears to have fixed half the problem. The top view range was set to "unlimited" and when I lowered it closer to the model it fixed the shaded view. For some reason the wireframe retained it's shaded view appearance.