View Full Version : sending models to a client

ray salmon
2009-06-18, 07:01 PM
I have a client that wants to have a 3dmodel of his new house

however, not real familiar of just what you can send to people who want to look at their building but don't have the software... what file should we send them....

also, of course a client does not need a set with all the documentation
they are just interested in shape and space...

I am sure this will be a exterior and interior request...


2009-06-18, 07:12 PM
I send the dwfx of the model with a link to the free download of the viewer

2009-06-18, 07:52 PM
I would agree DWF is a pretty good option. Design Review can be downloaded free to view the DWF files.


2009-06-18, 08:09 PM
I send the dwfx of the model with a link to the free download of the viewer

While I like your thought, how well does it work? I usually get some grumpy client on the phone telling me how he doesn't want to have to download and install "yet another program that takes an hour to set up" just to view the thing. Then they say "can't you just send a pdf or something?"

2009-06-18, 08:12 PM
i do the same....i usually get a call from them that telling me how neat it is to spin the model around as if its in a tornado...on the last few i got on the phone with them and showed them how to move the model around slowly and how to select walls, roofs etc and hide them so they can see the interior....as a rule though, i like to keep them in the dark during the process (they sooo slow things down)....plus i like the little surprised filled looks on their faces during construction

ray salmon
2009-06-18, 08:19 PM
i have yet to do this with a client
so taking in all surprizes

btw how do you remove the unwanted, annotations etc.
I am using Revit


2009-06-18, 08:28 PM
i have yet to do this with a client
so taking in all surprizes

btw how do you remove the unwanted, annotations etc.
I am using Revit


Create an unannotated 3d view of the model that will be used for export to DWF. Non o fthe annotations will come across just the 3d model. then they can create views insid ethe DWF file when viewing.

2009-06-19, 12:05 AM
While I like your thought, how well does it work? I usually get some grumpy client on the phone telling me how he doesn't want to have to download and install "yet another program that takes an hour to set up" just to view the thing. Then they say "can't you just send a pdf or something?"


I agree with JeffH, dwf / dwfx is a good way to proceed.
It does have a few problems with clients, however I have found so far, that they are willing to embrace the viewer controls quickly and in only a few cases I have had to spend about 5 minutes showing them the core functions.

Don't show them any thing more as it only confuses them and, its often better they do not know they can cut a section any where at all or do a mark up.

RSalmon........one way to make things even easier is to turn off, all of the elements you do not want the client to see / have access to. Do this in Revit before making the Export-DWF move by either the VG dialogue route, or Hide Element route then export as dwf or (if they have Vista) you can use dwfx, and the controls are bound into Vista, so they do not need to download the viewer, just double3 click on the file.....and carry on.

I do not have Vista yet so I do not know what controls out of the total, are inside Vista but I assume most of them are........anyone confirm ?

I use this method of communication for every job now.
The files are small for transport and you do have reasonable control over publishing.

I know DR is still a bit clunky and has unfortunate limitations like no animations !!! unless you have Inventor (grrrrr come ON AD this is a basic need !!) ands the leader control on markups is a bit basic and people do find it strange and disconcerting that they are expected to walk through solid walls, windows or doors, and navigating controls for walking up and down stairs is crude, but it still conveys the information quickly.

I guess I have had about an 70% client satisfaction with having a facility like this.
(the others either have no interest in learning the tool to use it or find that the images and drawings are sufficient).
Go on man, have a go !!


2009-06-20, 05:53 AM
Hi there!
DWFx files opens right in Internet Explorer. I have Windows 7 on my notebook. Here is screenshot of Explorer's window.

2009-06-20, 08:29 PM
Hi Nole,
thanks for that screenshot info.

Scott D Davis
2009-06-20, 09:29 PM
Hi there!
DWFx files opens right in Internet Explorer. I have Windows 7 on my notebook. Here is screenshot of Explorer's window.

This is true for any DWFx opened in Windows Vista or later.