View Full Version : New Easter Eggs

Scott D Davis
2003-09-02, 10:25 PM
(Split from the "Make ya Famous" mesage:)

..... we are trying a little different tack with DWF than we have before.

and having a little fun along the way with some easter eggs?

For those who haven't seen the latest, go to the www.autodesk.com. Click on the left hand of the woman in the graphic. (HER left hand, not the hand to the left of the picture!) Now, hold the Shift key, and press and release both the left and right arrows on the keyboard at the same time.....now we know what the real intentions of the DWF team are!

Scott Hopkins
2003-09-02, 10:41 PM

I like it! Where do you come up with this stuff? Even if I had a team of 60 trained chimps clicking and pressing keys for a week straight, I don't think I would have ever found that one.

Scott D Davis
2003-09-02, 10:56 PM
Can't take the credit for finding it.... :( ...someone posted it to the Autodesk NG.

2003-09-03, 04:51 PM
when I go to autodesk.com I see no graphics with women.

Scott D Davis
2003-09-03, 05:03 PM
you don't see this?


2003-09-03, 09:38 PM
Don't know about Colorado, but this is what we see on this side of the Pacific.

2003-09-03, 09:44 PM
Type in the url as you see it in Scott's screenshot. Its worth the effort for a moment's fun.

(Moderator Edit: click here for URL (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/home?siteID=123112&id=129446))

Wes Macaulay
2003-09-03, 10:06 PM
Adope, eh? Cute. I guess this is Autodesk's way to stave off SVG. Though as I said to our people here, not many are using it.

2003-09-03, 11:19 PM
I confess - I tried it.

OK it's time to get back to work.

2003-09-04, 01:00 AM
Skaroo .DWF

/Still bows down to PDF.

That's so stupid of them to do that, however, I'll always have my print to PDF functionality no matter what they try to enforce on us.

PS, If I go to AU you'll know who I am by the "CHOOSE PDF" shirt I'll be wearing.


Wes Macaulay
2003-09-04, 08:17 AM
Now that I look at the PDF bashing spread, I am amused to see Autodesk using a rather buxom woman as a participant in a trapeze act. They may as well have used Queen Latifah... so the obvious message is that PDFs are a bit heavy to be thrown around. The jury's out on DWF for the long term, though!

2003-09-04, 11:25 AM
Now it looks like Microsoft is going to jump into the document fray with a competing product. See:


2003-09-04, 01:32 PM
I don't understand why people like pdf so much for cad applications, you can't redline it, hyperlink through it and as dwf develops it will be much more powerfull.

I'm no fan of autodesk or being forced to use something, but dwf is designed for architectural, engineering and construction needs where pdf is just a universal format(which as I said before the quality it poo poo).

I just printed my current set 37 sheets I think to dwf. the quality is awesome and I can click through every detail(so can the contractor) and its only 10mb in size, it would be drastically smaller if I didnt' include the 3d's. I'm going to print the whole thing to pdf just to see the size diff. and quality diff. but I'm sure it will be dramatic.

2003-09-04, 02:40 PM
Just finished my test with pdf and the whole set is 32.6mb in pdf as compared to only 10 mb in dwf, its also all sep. files and the text quality is grainy, some hatches are ugly and just the general appearance is poor compared to the dwf.

2003-09-04, 03:17 PM
I agree with Scott on this one. Dwf seems to be much easier to follow and now with the veiwer being relatively small file easier to send to clients and install. I will be testing this on my newest client.


2003-09-04, 03:40 PM
When people compare PDF DWF are they using Adobe Acrobat 6? Or some imitation PDF writter? I find 6.0 produces every bit of a quality drawing as DWF and I can even set up the DPI to 2400 for magazine quality. Default setting for most PDF are to optimize for the web at a much lower resolution.

I can also print my drawing set to a single PDF and even combine Word, Excel and other documents into one package. Something not yet a possibility with DWF.

6.0 supports AutoCAD layers and redlineing of drawings. Overall, I've been very pleased with PDF. But you need the real Adobe Acrobat to get all these features.

The only area where DWF is better is in file size. And not always. Word and Excel documents are much smaller in PDF than in DWF by about half. Of course hyperlinks in Word and Excel are not supported by DWF.

Unfortunatly, i don't think DWF will remain free forever. It will evolve into a commercial package just like PDF. I hope DWF does develop and improve. But they have a lot of catching up to do. It is a great in-house tool, but for client communication, PDF is still my choice.

Vincent Valentijn
2003-09-05, 01:38 PM
DWF is great for our clients, specially the multiple drawings in a single file and being able to click through them. The smaller format makes them more applicable for the web too. Just a pity that we can't add any more info into it.
~ But the IT-industry is a killer so I wonder what greatness A-dope will come up with, in general their products are very high-end..

2003-09-11, 05:26 AM
Somehow I was invited to participate in the Buzzsaw 5.0 and Express Viewer beta programs. The interface in EV4 is nicely cleaned up (see attachment). There's an option to set the links to a single click. The navigation palettes retract ala Acad 2004.

Subscribers to Buzzsaw get "Powered by VoloView" which is essentially the same as VoloView 3. Users can specify the application (VV3 or EV4) used to view posted DWF files.

I'll try to set up public access to my beta site this weekend, if anyone is interested. I'd like to know if the mark-up capability is integral to the application.

A. Jay Holland