View Full Version : Understanding Phase Filters & Visibility

2009-06-24, 08:52 AM
Hi all,

Ok.. Having a bit of trouble understanding this...

You set the phase Existing, Demolished, or New construction to an element.

You then make duplicates of a view showing them all and tell those views which phase they are viewing.


How does Revit know to display the Existing wall (for instance) in the Existing view as fully patterned etc... & THEN show the Existing wall as blank in the New construction view, but show the New construction wall fully patterned???

I'm guessing this is to do with phase filters etc... But just can't get my head around how you then go about editing the set up to display the walls how you'd like them...

All my views are set to the standard 'Show all' filter.

If anyone can put this in simple terms it'd be great.

Thanks :)

2009-06-24, 11:12 AM
To help me work this out, I've attached an image of the basic test project I am trying this on...

I have managed to change the appearence of the 'Demolished' section of wall in the 'Demolished' view, and also the 'Existing' wall in the 'Demolished' & 'Proposed' views - by changing the phase graphic overides for the Demolished and Existing phase status.

But how do I now go about displaying the demolished section of wall in the 'Proposed' (right of screen) view, and then making the exisiting wall display as just 2 border lines in the bottom-left 'Existing' view...

Shifting the phase filters does nothing for this. Phase filter for all views is 'Show all'

2009-06-24, 11:20 AM
It is tricky to get it into your head - took me a while.

All my projects involve alterations but I normally just have an 'Existing' phase and a 'New Construction' phase as the default set up in Revit.

Existing Phase views I normally leave as default, but in Construction Phase views I set the View Properties' Phase Filter at bottom of the View Instance Properties dialog, to 'Show Complete'.

'Show All' in a New Construction view I sometimes use for construction drawings to explain what is demolished - by default it shows up in a red material.

Hope that is some help.

Scott Womack
2009-06-24, 11:39 AM
To help me work this out, I've attached an image of the basic test project I am trying this on...

I have managed to change the appearence of the 'Demolished' section of wall in the 'Demolished' view, and also the 'Existing' wall in the 'Demolished' & 'Proposed' views - by changing the phase graphic overides for the Demolished and Existing phase status.

But how do I now go about displaying the demolished section of wall in the 'Proposed' (right of screen) view, and then making the exisiting wall display as just 2 border lines in the bottom-left 'Existing' view...

Shifting the phase filters does nothing for this. Phase filter for all views is 'Show all'

Typically, in Architectural plans we use Show Previous + New.
Demo Plans is Show Previous + Demo,
And in Existing Plans Show Complete.
Interios plans we may also use Show Complete setting as well.

2009-06-24, 01:42 PM
Typically, in Architectural plans we use Show Previous + New.
Demo Plans is Show Previous + Demo,
And in Existing Plans Show Complete.
Interios plans we may also use Show Complete setting as well.

I do roughly the same only Existing is Show New...not sure it really makes a difference though. I very rarely ever use Show Complete unless it's for a presentation plan, otherwise it's imparitive for me to differentiate between existing and new contruction, but that's just personal preference.

Graphic Overrides are a huge help on getting things to show up like you want. Spend some time doing a little trial and error and it will all come together. It's really quite simple once you get your head around it.

2009-06-24, 01:55 PM
In Revit, "demoliton" is not a phase, it is an action within a phase.

Since you refer to "phase Existing, Demolished, or New construction," this may be what you are missing.

2009-06-24, 02:54 PM

Played with this for a while now and it is sinking in.

I got rid of my 'Demolished' phase (as recomended), and changed my phase names to 1 - original & 2 - Proposed (just to stop any confusion with the Revit 'Exisiting' & 'New' phase statuses.

I managed to get my proposed and demolished views looking good. But the 'origional'/exisiting view was tricky to work out... I basicially wanted my exisiting walls to be seen as blank in all views (no colour or patterns), which was sorted out through a lot of trial and error with the filters and overides. But in the 'exisiting' view, where my filter is set to 'show new' I couldn't get the walls to blank out without having my actual 'new' elements change too... So I used visibility graphics and altered their display in there...

Roofs were tricky - Although using an in place roof void family seemed to add the cut roof piece automatically to the demolished status.

The last issue I've found is with wall joins... Because I have a demolished wall's end at the corner point of an exisiting and new wall, when I go to edit the wall join the demolished section cuts into the various join options.

I can fix this by making a 'T' join rather than a corner. But I guess this a case of making things work right in the first place...

All I need to do now is make my existing elements look 'blank' in elevation views... Visibility Graphics again I guess?

Thanks for all your input, very much apreciated :)

I've attached the file I'm working on for anyone else that is working this out, and for you experts to tell me what I've done wrong!

2009-06-24, 03:03 PM
For your existing plan, set the phase to "2-proposed" and the phase filter to "Show previous."

For wall joins, try "Disallow join" on the new wall abutting the existing wall.

2009-06-24, 03:20 PM
In Revit, "demoliton" is not a phase, it is an action within a phase.

Since you refer to "phase Existing, Demolished, or New construction," this may be what you are missing.

But you can make it a phase if you choose to. I do this only for the sake of my project browser organization; it's seperated by Existing, Demo, and New Construction.

2009-06-24, 03:53 PM
I wouldnt do it just for the sake of the browser... You can sort the browser with a bunch of different variables that could track that Phase data, but thats just me.

2009-06-25, 04:25 PM
I was going to ask if anyone creates phases just to help with altering their displays...

Seems it'd be quite useful just to have generic phases set up so you can use 'previous' as a control for phases that actually need to be displayed a certain way.

It is fairly complicated, but I think I've just about got it through a little trial and error.

Thanks for all the input :)