View Full Version : View Alignment

Dimitri Harvalias
2003-09-03, 07:11 PM
I am detailing a piece of wall mounted millwork and have a base detail derived from a callout on a section. At the same location I have a jamb detail created from a callout on the plan view.
Even though there is a gridline visible in both views (plan and section) the views don't auto align when placed on a sheet. Usually grids will 'snap to' when presented on the same sheet. Am I missing something or have I just never noticed that sections don't align automatically?

2003-09-03, 08:04 PM
I've never officially investigated this, although I have experienced it. My workaround is to move one viewport on top of the other, aligning the critical piece visually (the gridline, in your case), then take advantage of the ortho move to return the viewport to its appropriate place on the sheet. Close enough for Jazz!


2003-09-03, 08:41 PM
My guess is the scale of the plan view and the scale of the callout are different. Views of different scales will only snap at their view boundary.

Imagine trying to align two views at two different scales both of which contained many (maybe hundreds) of elements that could potentially align; grids, walls, floor edges, etc. There could potentially be hundreds of things that you could want aligned. Instead of finding and snapping at each one of these points, which could cause performance issues and other frustrations, Revit simply will not attempt a guess and will only snap to the views edges.

Dimitri Harvalias
2003-09-03, 09:13 PM
I thought that might be the problem but I tried to rescale and had no better luck. Just to be sure, I changed the scale on the placed view and then tried changing the scale before placing the view.
The aligning of views on sheets (this instance, detail titles, crop regions for details etc.) is one of the few things in Revit that I find an annoyance. It would be nice if there was a 'visually align' tool that could be used on inactive viewports. It wouldn't constrain the model, just the graphics within a viewport.
It's not a big issue most times but every little bit helps when trying to produce organized and tidy CD's.
Thanks for the replies

2003-09-03, 10:28 PM
This has been a complaint of mine and my conversations with support boil down to this. A view in it's default condition, as in how you find it when you open it for the first time, will usually align with another view in similar state. As soon as you alter the crop window it will no longer "behave".

That's my unscientific explanation, I defer to Steve's position and depth of knowledge of "his" product however. :D

I can accept that Revit can't decide for me what I want to align. What I'd very much like is to be able to tell Revit what I want aligned via the Align tool. That way I can pick the grid line 10 in a section and align it with the same grid line in another view above or below on a sheet etc.

2003-09-04, 04:14 AM
Can you post a small project with a sheet containing two views which exemplifies a problem? In my quick experiments views of the same scale do align regardless of presence/absence of crop boundary.

- LR

Dimitri Harvalias
2003-09-04, 05:05 AM
I hope this is small enough. I created a new project that was as simple as I could make it and had the same result. I tried with and without the grid line.
The problem is with the two details on sheet A101. One is a plan detail the other a callout from the section.
Thanks for taking the time

2003-09-08, 12:17 PM
This looks like a bug. It would be reasonable for callouts to align in this case. We will investigate and try to fix.

- LR

Andre Baros
2004-12-20, 04:14 PM
More complicated version... is there a way to have plans spread across multiple sheets land in the same place on each sheet. I have 4 floors, 3 plans of each and none of them line up if you overlay the sheets. I'm working on doing it manually but I was wondering if there was a Revit way of doing it?


Dimitri Harvalias
2004-12-21, 03:23 AM
I don't think there is a built-in method. What I have done in the past is set up ref planes as part of my title block family. Place them where two gridlines intersect then just manually align the plans. Once that's done you can remove the ref planes from the tblock family.