View Full Version : Disapearing columns

B. Strube
2003-09-04, 12:09 AM
I am having a problem with the visibility of square concrete structural columns in plan views. I have a building with multiple floors, and I have a grid of columns running from the lowest level up through the floors. The problem is, they initially were visible in the floor plans, and now they are not. The only thing that will make them visible is if the view is turned to coarse. Does anyone have an idea of what might be happening, or what to check.

2003-09-04, 12:54 AM
Did you modify the family at some stage, accidentally turning off visibility in medium and fine views ?

B. Strube
2003-09-04, 12:07 PM
No, I do not believe so. In fact I inserted a wide flange and it did the same thing. What I find is that when I set the top level constraint to the level above, they show up. However, when they are set to go through several floors they disapear.

2003-09-04, 01:06 PM
Are you using the latest build and are your libraries equally current? I seem to recall a display issue regarding structural objects misbehaving in views other than coarse. But I thought the last build or one previous addressed that issue. I'd contact support just to be sure. Maybe a Revit staffer could step in here...but since they are hard at work to release 6.0 maybe not :D

2003-09-04, 01:25 PM
If you've added floors since you originally placed them you probably cant see them unless you go to a 3d view where you can see the column and the floor and use the join geometry tool to join the column and the floor.

the other option is to place columns from level 1-2 then from 2-3 etc.

Struct. items dont acutally get cut(it is awful they did it this way) they just display a plan symbol, so my guess is you should see the col. on the first floor, but none of the others.

I've had this problem with my ceiling plans, I had to turn to wireframe and join the col/ to the ceilings then they show up. its a pain when you have many columns.

B. Strube
2003-09-04, 06:21 PM
Thanks Steve and Scott. I did install the latest version with no change. The join geometry solution worked, but you are absolutely correct that this is very much a pain. The interesting thing is that even with multiple floors, all I had to do was join the columns to one of the floors, and the view issue was resolved on the other floors. This is not very intuitive, and I will ask support if there is something I am missing.

2010-03-15, 12:09 PM
still a problem with RA2009 - the joining-to-floor trick still works though.

2010-03-15, 07:07 PM
It's only been 5 years! Man, you Revit users are an impatient bunch.